Control HUD 1.33 worked pretty much flawlessly for me in pretty much all respects, including setting partners.
Control HUD 1.44 not so much. When trying to partner, it can't find the other cat sitting right next to it and staring it in the face. Delay. Delay. Delay. So I'd repeat, and get another delay, but then I'd notice I'd get a message in chat to type the name of the partner, which I would do. No response. So I go through the steps again, Set Partner -
sometimes it would provide the name I entered in chat, sometimes it would find another cat.
This has been happening since the update, but tonight I was trying to set up several partnerships, so substantial delays once again. Having the previous experiences, I wasn't rushing through the menu again, but waiting for it to ask for the name in chat. Delay. Delay. Delay. Lather, Rinse, Repeat. Still have to go through the menu again. Not one single cat could find the other one sitting staring at it, nor any other cat for that matter, until doing this new song and dance. On one occasion, I had typed the name in chat and again, because of no response, went to the menu, and it found another cat! not the one I had just typed in chat.
It's pretty annoying, and I'd like to know if anyone else is having a similar experience. Thanks.
ETA: Here's a bit of an illustration of what happens. Use the menu to set partner, wait, wait, wait, then
[23:15:31] KittyCats - Fayina: Type the name of my new partner in local chat

[23:15:39] Someday Zoon: Jayson
[wait, wait, wait, the menu doesn't come back, so I use the menu again - on this occasion, the menu found Jayson]
[23:16:18] KittyCats - Fayina: My new partner has such nice fur ^_^ I already love him!
[managed to get them partnered, then]
[23:16:45] KittyCats - Fayina: Type the name of my new partner in local chat