Want to find an auction to get some amazing steals and deals while having fun and laughs? Then be sure to check out Adorable Auctions! We have 2 amazing auctioneers Ifoni and Zevy. Panels available, so come and check them out.
Ifoni's Auction Auction Lineup Saturday 11Am Slt
? Panel A ?
? Panel B ?
? Panel 1 ?
? Panel 2 ?
? Panel 3 ? ?? 8T's Abyssinian Dark Chocolate, Fire, CurX's 2, 2Tn (OdyFrazzyWv)
? Panel 4 ? 7T Bengal Charcoal, Full Moon, IL, Cur, Blnd (Mys)
? Panel 5 ?
? Panel 6 ? 9T Foxie Argyle, Rainbow Prism, IL, Shorty, MOF, Blk (Mys)
? Panel 7 ?
? Panel 8 ?
? Panel 9 ?
? Panel 10 ?
Panels Avaiable! Slurl to the auction:
Zevy's Auction Sunday 11:30 Slt
? Panel 1 ?
? Panel 2 ? 8T Abyssinian Dark Chocolate, Pft Fire, CurX's 2, 2Tn OdyFrazzWv
? Panel 3 ? 8T Snowshoe Cream, Odyssey Crystal Rose, Porc, Mys, Rounded Fold, Latte (Frazz)
? Panel 4 ? 9T Siamese Chocolate Tortie, Dry Olive, Flash, Cur, PSF, Wht (Mys)
? Panel 5 ? 8T Chateau Cat Tawny & White No.1, hanging Leaf (small), FL, Shorty, SF, Latte (BB)
? Panel 6 ? 8T Balinese Chocolate Lynx, Cognac, FL, Soft Curl, Dark Chocolate (Frazz)
? Panel 7 ? 8T Siamese Chocolate Tortie, Rainbow Prism, GL, MOF, Wht (Mys)- Toy
? Panel 8 ? 8T Australian Mist Lilac Marble, Exotic Breeze, Blush, PSF, 2Tn (Frazz)
? Panel 9 ? 9T Balinese Cream Lynx, Royal Sapphire, TW, Mys, PSF, Blk (Plush)
? Panel 10 ?
Panels Avaiable! Slurl to the auction: