I think 790L per "Gacha" try is a lot of money indeed for most of us.
I am also happy KittyCatS allows trading in their group for as long as the sale goes.
It has it's purpose, in the long run, they pre set the price high but that is a whole other story I will not boring you with
For a long time I was an investor in special edition kitties and bought a lot and sold them as Ivy said way after the matter.
The curious thing is that even though it is inconvenient they are random and can have sequences of the same type a year or more later the fact that they came randomly will increase the value of every color even the colors we receive more than others.
I know it is barely an ease if you look for a specific color currently and can't get it but I like to underline what Ivy said; Please keep a hold on them you won't regret.
I've also seen many sell their extra colors even below the vendor value perhaps your color will be for sale somewhere at the moment.
You could also try the wanted section of this forum.
As long as the vendors are live normally prices people ask are lower than after the fact.