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12-06-2011, 12:56 AM
Post: #51
(10-02-2011 09:07 PM)KittyCat Princess Wrote:  hi all,

i often get to hear in world how you found KittyCatS or how they found you Tongue and the stories are often so touching, or funny, or just simple and cute. often the notes and stories you send make my day Smile

if you want to share how you found KittyCatS! we'd love to hear it and i'm guessing that the rest of the community would too.

so, how did you find KittyCatS or how did they find you?

please, do tell Smile

I was looking for an interactive SL pet. One cuddly and i had to have a pink one. Then i had to breed a pink one setting my traits in my mind i wanted... and i had that one too.. and i am still breeding and trying to keep my cats in check.. and affordable... got to know your limits.. i learned that too.. but i love kittycats cuz they were absolutely the best in game, well exceeding my expectations.. the support is great, the fans of Kittycats are amazing.
It is a great community to be a part of in SL.. it added another much needed dimension to my game.
Kalliei Mulligan
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12-06-2011, 01:05 AM (This post was last modified: 12-06-2011 01:08 AM by Fizban Underwood.)
Post: #52
Like many of you I was Mr. Anti Breedable. No rabbits, no horses and for sure NO Meeroos. I just didnt get it. Nor did I much want to. Then an odd thing happened. My girl was away from home and we had a disagreement about something. She has a Cat RL and totally adores her. I dont have any pets, but have in the past. At the end of our "discussion" she said, All I want is my kitty and a blanket. Well I got to thinking how I could make her feel better, so I went on Marketplace looking for a kitty for her. I came across a KC and bought it. I didnt even know it was a breedable. If I had I might not have bought it. So I found a blanket and put the KittyCat and Blanket where she would find it when she logged back in. When she saw the kitty she was in love and our "disagreement" was forgotten. Phew! We decided to move the kitty to another location, and when I went to rez him back out, I couldnt find him. (Look in Objects, not the folder dummy). So I went back to Marketplace and bought another cus she loved that kitty. Of course we both agreed, that we were just gonna have a couple and not for breeding. Permapet was in our future. Well.....she went to a Market and brought home a cute lil Russian Black for me, and a couple for herself. Then she made the mistake of taking Me to that market. I support myself in world by working as a DJ. Now I support My KittyCat habit by working as a DJ. I went to an Auction....BAD idea for Mr. Impulse Buyer. I havent figured out all the breeding tricks, nor am I sure I want to cus I now have 28 Kitty's unboxed.....12 Boxes and she has 13 Kittys and several boxes. I have met lots of groovy people and am constantly learning about things I never thought I would give 2 cents about. Naw....I'm not addicted. I can quit anytime I want.....says the smoker of 35 years.

Thanks to all the awesome Support staff and people at KittyCats. You make it fun by making it easy. Too dam easy!! Wink
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12-06-2011, 01:05 AM (This post was last modified: 12-06-2011 01:09 AM by Fizban Underwood.)
Post: #53
Not sure why my post was there twice so I am editing this one. Big Grin Cool
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12-06-2011, 01:32 AM
Post: #54
Well, at first I got just one of those Zooby cats that didn't breed or anything just looked kinda cute cause it looked like my real life cat, i even named it after my real life cat, then about a month later sadly, my real life cat died without warning. I was very upset and after a day or so I couldn't really stand to look at the Zooby cat it reminded me too much of my real life cat, so I went in search of something else I saw a few of the other cats available and didn't find them attractive, then I found kittycats and i loved them. They were cute, realistic, and so many options, four starters, and a few non gen furs and limited editions later became my addiction...now I've been seriously breeding them for a little over 10 months and usually have between 130-200 live at any given time hehe.
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12-06-2011, 06:50 AM
Post: #55
Ever since I had been on SL (over four years now), I had wanted a cat and, like many others here, tried other varieties only to be disappointed. One day, when I was feeling low, I decided to do a search for cats, and came upon the KittyCats Main Store. I went there, wanting to buy a live kitty, but of course, only saw the bags of starters. I joined the Addicts group and asked in the chat where I could buy a live kitty. Someone sent me the LMs for several of the bigger markets and I was hooked the minute I saw the huge variety. I bought a coco with gen ody eyes (I love odd-eyed cats in RL) and...well, the rest is history. The best part of the experience was when I gave my Norwegian girlfriend, Lenore Vectoscope, one when I learned she had bone cancer at age 31. It was a cream tabby and she fell in love with KittyCats. Over the weeks and months, her brood grew to about 22 cats and, towards the end, she would sit for hours just looking at them and cuddling them and loving them while she fought the pain of her disease. When she passed away in October, she left me all of her cats which I was able to find homes for through the generosity of people in the KittyCats group. I kept two of them for myself and will cherish them, and my memories of Lenore and the hours we shared playing with our kitties. So, thank you, KittyCats creators, for making these cats so very wonderful and as close to real life cats as anyone could hope for on SL... and for helping entertain Lenore in her final days here on earth.
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12-06-2011, 01:55 PM (This post was last modified: 12-06-2011 01:55 PM by Akitsuki Susanowa.)
Post: #56
Went exploring in one of my friend's little farm. Suddenly a kitty bumped against me trying to push me, saying that something smells. I looked at him and he looked back with his tongue sticking out at me. Fell in love with Kittycats kitties after that event. Really love how they look and their animations.
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12-06-2011, 03:45 PM
Post: #57
Heart Fiz was the sweetest thing anyone has ever done for me,I Love my kitties,I Love you Rolleyes
(12-06-2011 01:05 AM)Fizban Underwood Wrote:  Like many of you I was Mr. Anti Breedable. No rabbits, no horses and for sure NO Meeroos. I just didnt get it. Nor did I much want to. Then an odd thing happened. My girl was away from home and we had a disagreement about something. She has a Cat RL and totally adores her. I dont have any pets, but have in the past. At the end of our "discussion" she said, All I want is my kitty and a blanket. Well I got to thinking how I could make her feel better, so I went on Marketplace looking for a kitty for her. I came across a KC and bought it. I didnt even know it was a breedable. If I had I might not have bought it. So I found a blanket and put the KittyCat and Blanket where she would find it when she logged back in. When she saw the kitty she was in love and our "disagreement" was forgotten. Phew! We decided to move the kitty to another location, and when I went to rez him back out, I couldnt find him. (Look in Objects, not the folder dummy). So I went back to Marketplace and bought another cus she loved that kitty. Of course we both agreed, that we were just gonna have a couple and not for breeding. Permapet was in our future. Well.....she went to a Market and brought home a cute lil Russian Black for me, and a couple for herself. Then she made the mistake of taking Me to that market. I support myself in world by working as a DJ. Now I support My KittyCat habit by working as a DJ. I went to an Auction....BAD idea for Mr. Impulse Buyer. I havent figured out all the breeding tricks, nor am I sure I want to cus I now have 28 Kitty's unboxed.....12 Boxes and she has 13 Kittys and several boxes. I have met lots of groovy people and am constantly learning about things I never thought I would give 2 cents about. Naw....I'm not addicted. I can quit anytime I want.....says the smoker of 35 years.

Thanks to all the awesome Support staff and people at KittyCats. You make it fun by making it easy. Too dam easy!! Wink
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12-08-2011, 01:33 AM
Post: #58
Unlike the anti-breedables, I actually wanted to try my hand at breeding but I didn't see any breedables that held my interest. I started with the SL8B cat because it was free for a week and looked pretty enough. Unpacked it, saw how cute he was, ran to my roomie and told her to "log in all your alts". We were actually pretty disciplined and only rezzed a pair of cats each... for one week. We have about 100+ cats now.
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12-26-2011, 06:54 PM
Post: #59
A friend bought a softcollar 88 and gave to a friend for a Christmas Gift. She then gave me the landmarks and other information for the Kittycats and I fell in love with them. I was going to get just one, but now I am up to 16. They are just too cute to have just one.
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12-26-2011, 07:34 PM
Post: #60
I'm another one of those people who did not "get" the appeal of breedables in SL, at all. I thought they were a waste of time and money!

When KittyCats were in beta, some of my friends on Plurk were invited. They posted pics and I thought they were cute, but I was still convinced SL breedables werejust plain silly.

One day, one of my best friends in SL asked me out of blue, "Do you want a cat? It's one of those KittyCats, it's cute and really tiny, he's considered a toy size kitty." Before I could say "No, I don't!", she had already sent the cat to me. I looked at the cat in my inventory list and was just going to ignore it, but curiosity got the better of me and so I rezzed him.

I placed Toby on the floor of my skybox and stared at him. He sat there blinking for a few moments, then got up and started trotting around my furniture. Okay, I thought, that's pretty cute. Then he started pawing at the air while looking at little blue butterflies, and I thought, ooh that is really cute. I clicked on him some more and discovered that I could throw a ball and watch him scamper after it before picking it up with his mouth and bringing it back to me... omg, I was smitten!

Just a day later, I decided I also wanted a siamese cat with blue eyes. I visited a market and found one, and named her BooBoo Kitty, but while looking around I found another with pink eyes and I couldn't resist. I swore that it was just going to be the three cats but then BooBoo Kitty and Pretty Baby ended up having a kitten, and thus began my interest in the breeding aspect of KittyCats.

I never would have guessed that breeding traits into your kittens could be this enjoyable! It's kind of a like a game that always gives you super cute results. Now I totally get it! <3

This is Toby Smile
[Image: 5767764938_6ec4f80591.jpg]

BooBoo Kitty and Pretty Baby
[Image: 5771033785_3a0ff84dd2.jpg]

[Image: 6853924930_0f355fc725_o.png]
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