RE: Needed KittyCatS! for ExhibitioN! - UPDATED 08/16/13
[quote='LickN Wonder' pid='31653' dateline='1374723312'] Hello Fellow Kitty Addicts,
Most of you may know that LickN has been working for a few years on the KittyCatS ExhibitioN! This will be a museum of sorts honoring KittyCatS! and the many Creators that have teamed up with KittyCatS! to give us the many wonderful items that we love!
I am still missing several KittyCatS! that simply must be displayed in the ExhibitioN! I am asking for your help in locating these precious KittyCatS! so that I may acquire them either by purchasing them, having them possibly donated or simply having them displayed in the ExhibitioN! by the current owner. KittyCatS! that will be displayed by other owners will still be considered needed, please keep that in mind.
I am going to start off small with this list and it will grow once I continue getting things setup.
Following is a list of the KittyCatS! that LickN has been searching for:
VERY IMPORTANT: Anything that had to do with Beta Testing KittyCatS! would be totally awesome!! Even if it's just to display!!
There will be items added to this list as I work on setting up the ExhibitioN! and there will certainly be items removed as we obtain them. Please keep in mind that any KittyCatS! on this list will be perma-petted if they are given to me (in time). I am not looking to purchase or receive these KittyCatS! for the purpose of breeding them.
If you would like to be a part of this journey into honoring KittyCatS! or if you know where we can obtain any of the KittyCatS! listed above, please contact me!
I wish to Thank You all in advance for taking the time to read this notecard and for the consideration you may give it. My wish it simply make this the best possible honor for KittyCatS!
With the utmost appreciation,
LickN Wonder
Oh my congrats LickN!! Just went to see your most wonderful display. I LOVED it all. So well put together..... Puts my little Kitty cats museum to shame. Lol So glad to see such an extensive collection of everything kitty cats. I will visit often to drool & enjoy all the cats!