Hi! I have 3 boys:
? Kit
? 108
(I'd like to breed him one more time if you really want him)
Fur: Russian - Black
Eyes: Divine (Mysterious|Big)
Shade: Illume
Tail: Genesis
Ears: Mysterious
Whiskers: Silver (Mysterious)
Size: Normal
Fur: Russian - Black
Eyes: Divine (Mysterious|Small)
Shade: Flair
Tail: Genesis
Ears: Curious
Whiskers: Silver (Mysterious)
Size: Normal
Fur: Russian - Black
Eyes: Morning Dew (Curious|Small)
Shade: Illume
Tail: Genesis
Ears: Genesis
Whiskers: White (Plush)
Size: Normal
You can find the last two at my shop and still in the box located here: