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New Breeding Wish
07-09-2013, 05:40 AM
Post: #1
New Breeding Wish
Lately I am having issues with my cats reaching 121 days old that are at 100% that I've paired with younger cats then the love goes off and my opposite cats are left with this mate till their cycle ends.... today i have 2 girls at 100% and they have 9 days remaining. I either have to wait those 9+ days to breed them now or I have to buy breakup to break the pairings so that I can breed the girls. This is happening to me more and more now because I started my newest cattery around 120 days ago so I have many kitty's reaching 120 days.

My wish is that when they reach 121 days old and their love goes off that it would also terminate any pairings they have.

Thanks! Smile
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 Thanks given by: ruby Tierbal , Whispers Magic , Vrem Vaniva , Akitsuki Susanowa , Angelfa Watkins , Jelly Supply
07-09-2013, 01:53 PM
Post: #2
RE: New Breeding Wish
that would be very useful , hope your wish is one day granted Smile would help us all .

.-~·*'˜¨¯`·¸ Rubes ¸·`¯¨˜'*·~-.
.-~·*'˜¨¯`·¸AUCTIONEER AT UKF ¸·`¯¨˜'*·~-.
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07-09-2013, 05:24 PM
Post: #3
RE: New Breeding Wish
This wish, should it be granted, would also give us the opportunity to use "auto repartner" (for pairs that really are made for each other but are maybe different ages.) Currently my feeling is that the "auto repartner" button is little more than a booby-trap for people who haven't yet had that experience with a kitty's mate aging out and having it go throw a 10-day widowhood :( or an expensive vitamin treatment. Here's my vote for auto-breakup when one partner reaches 121 days!! :) Your suggestion would help all of us, Sloan.
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07-12-2013, 07:03 PM
Post: #4
RE: New Breeding Wish
I would totally vote for this.
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07-12-2013, 07:12 PM
Post: #5
RE: New Breeding Wish
I'm in for this. I just had a kitty reach 121 and I forgot it was nearing. The partnering has 7 days left. Sad

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07-17-2013, 01:42 AM
Post: #6
RE: New Breeding Wish
High Five to that!! You have my vote as well!
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07-17-2013, 09:29 PM
Post: #7
RE: New Breeding Wish

Makes perfect sense.

Why should some poor youngin' have to pine away,

waiting for some probationary period,

just cus its mate decided to go through KittyCats menopause?

Once a kitteh passes 121 all marriages should be annulled.


[Image: DERKITTEHMILLlogosmallest.jpg]


Soylent Green is KitteH!
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 Thanks given by: Angelfa Watkins
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