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=^.^= J U L I A ' S ? K I T T I E S ? L O V E S H A C K=^.^=
06-03-2013, 01:46 PM (This post was last modified: 07-10-2013 11:51 PM by Julia Merosi.)
Post: #1
=^.^= J U L I A ' S ? K I T T I E S ? L O V E S H A C K=^.^=
=^.^= J U L I A ' S ? K I T T I E S ? L O V E S H A C K=^.^=

90 % - 100 % Heart
at Simply 2 Adorable

? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? G I R L S ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?

? =^.^=Blush Eight=^.^=
8T Abyssinian Black Silver - mysterious BLUSH QUARTZ - Glitter - Boo Boo - Curious - White Plush

? =^.^=Prismatic=^.^=
8T Russian Black - small PRISMATIC - Flair - Frisky - Soft Fold - White Plush

HIDES: Bengal Snow, BLUSH QUARTZ, Mysterious Eyeshape, Boo Boo Tail OR Curious Tail, Rounded
COULD HIDE: Glitter, 2 Tone Black & White
9T Potential!

? =^.^=Creamy Boo=^.^=
7T Balinese Cream - small BlueBerry - Mysterious Tail - Mysterious Ears - White BOO BOO Whiskers

? =^.^=Chiquita=^.^=
5T Siamese Flame - TAPESTRY ORGANICA - Boo Boo Tail - White Plush

? =^.^=Cream MoF to be=^.^=
6T Balinese Flame - Mysterious Blue Ice - Plush - MYSTERIOUS ODYSSEY FOLD - Mysterious Whiskers

HIDES: Balinese Cream, BlueBerry, Small Pupil, Twinkle, Chop Chop, Black Plush
9T Potential!

? =^.^=Crystal Sea=^.^=
6T Balinese Flame - Crystal Sea - Porcelain - Odyssey No. 1 - 2 Tone Mysterious

HIDES: Ocicat Ebony Silver - BlueBerry, Mysterious Eyeshape, Twinkle OR FLASH, Mysterious Tail, Plush Whiskers
COULD HIDE: Small Pupil
8T potential! - 9T Background!

? =^.^=Foxie with hidden Fussyness=^.^=
7T Balinese Flame - Small Midnight Sky - Illume - FOXIE - White Mysterious

HIDES: Maine Coon Plush Calico OR Ebony Silver, Odyssey Kaleidoscope, Mysterious Tail OR Boo Boo Tail, F U S S Y Whiskers

? =^.^=Fussy FLame=^.^=
7T Burmese Flame - Small Double Dip Flora - Boo Boo Tail - Rounded - White F U S S Y

HIDES: Balinese Seal OR Balinese Flame, Odyssey Kaleidoscope OR Odyssey Bellini, Mysterious Eyeshape, Illume, Boo Boo Tail OR Better, 2 Tone OR Blonde Streaked
9T Potential!

? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? B O Y S ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?

? =^.^=Foxyness=^.^=
7T Ocicat Tawny - Mysterious Keylime - Plush - Curious - White Mysterious
HIDES: Balinese Seal, Double Dip Flora OR Rainbow Prism, small Pupil, Illume, FOXIE ears, 2 Tone Black & White Plush Whiskers
9T potential!

? > 7T Pure Fussy Whiskers <
7T Balinese Flame Lynx - Small Odyssey Kaleidoscope - Mysterious Tail - Mysterious Ears - White F U S S Y whiskers

HIDES: Illume, Boo Boo Tail, Rounded
8T Potential

? =^.^=Where is my Salty?=^.^=
Bali Lilac - Small Blueberry - Fussy - Big Boo Boo - Plush


? > Flash Folded <
5T Abyssinian Lilac - Changing Leaf - F L A S H - MYSTERIOUS ODYSSEY FOLD - White Whiskers

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06-28-2013, 02:52 PM (This post was last modified: 06-28-2013 03:02 PM by Julia Merosi.)
Post: #2
RE: =^.^= J U L I A ' S ? K I T T I E S ? L O V E S H A C K=^.^=
? > 7T Pure Fussy Whiskers <
7T Balinese Flame Lynx - Small Odyssey Kaleidoscope - Mysterious Tail - Mysterious Ears - White F U S S Y whiskers

HIDES: Illume, Boo Boo Tail, Rounded
8T Potential
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06-29-2013, 03:24 AM
Post: #3
RE: =^.^= J U L I A ' S ? K I T T I E S ? L O V E S H A C K=^.^=
*updated and added*
? =^.^=Chiquita=^.^=
5T Siamese Flame - TAPESTRY ORGANICA - Boo Boo Tail - White Plush
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06-29-2013, 07:55 AM (This post was last modified: 06-29-2013 08:18 AM by Julia Merosi.)
Post: #4
RE: =^.^= J U L I A ' S ? K I T T I E S ? L O V E S H A C K=^.^=
? =^.^=Black MoF=^.^=
6T Balinese Flame - Mysterious Odyssey Sorbet - Illume - Plush Tail - MYSTERIOUS ODYSSEY FOLD

HIDES: Ebony Silver, small pupil, Twinkle, Black Mysterious Whiskers
9T Potential!

? =^.^=Cream MoF to be=^.^=
6T Balinese Flame - Mysterious Blue Ice - Plush - MYSTERIOUS ODYSSEY FOLD - Mysterious Whiskers

HIDES: Balinese Cream, BlueBerry, Small Pupil, Twinkle, Chop Chop, Black Plush
9T Potential!
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07-03-2013, 02:38 PM (This post was last modified: 07-03-2013 02:52 PM by Julia Merosi.)
Post: #5
RE: =^.^= J U L I A ' S ? K I T T I E S ? L O V E S H A C K=^.^=
? =^.^=Prismatic=^.^=
8T Russian Black - Small P R I S M A T I C - Flair - Frisky - Soft Fold - White Plush

? =^.^=Crystal Sea=^.^=
6T Balinese Flame - Crystal Sea - Porcelain - Odyssey No. 1 - 2 Tone Mysterious

HIDES: Ocicat Ebony Silver - BlueBerry, Mysterious Eyeshape, Twinkle OR FLASH, Mysterious Tail, Plush Whiskers
COULD HIDE: Small Pupil
8T potential! - 9T Background!

? =^.^=Foxie with hidden Fussyness=^.^=
7T Balinese Flame - Small Midnight Sky - Illume - FOXIE - White Mysterious

HIDES: Maine Coon Plush Calico OR Ebony Silver, Odyssey Kaleidoscope, Mysterious Tail OR Boo Boo Tail, F U S S Y Whiskers
? =^.^=Foxyness=^.^=
7T Ocicat Tawny - Mysterious Keylime - Plush - Curious - White Mysterious
HIDES: Balinese Seal, Double Dip Flora OR Rainbow Prism, small Pupil, Illume, FOXIE ears, 2 Tone Black & White Plush Whiskers
9T potential!
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07-03-2013, 03:55 PM
Post: #6
RE: =^.^= J U L I A ' S ? K I T T I E S ? L O V E S H A C K=^.^=
? > Flash Folded <
5T Abyssinian Lilac - Changing Leaf - F L A S H - MYSTERIOUS ODYSSEY FOLD - White Whiskers
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07-10-2013, 11:51 PM
Post: #7
RE: =^.^= J U L I A ' S ? K I T T I E S ? L O V E S H A C K=^.^=
? =^.^=Fussy FLame=^.^=
7T Burmese Flame - Small Double Dip Flora - Boo Boo Tail - Rounded - White F U S S Y

HIDES: Balinese Seal OR Balinese Flame, Odyssey Kaleidoscope OR Odyssey Bellini, Mysterious Eyeshape, Illume, Boo Boo Tail OR Better, 2 Tone OR Blonde Streaked
9T Potential!
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