Thanks Kay
Hey why don't others have a go and make their fav combis ?
I use Gimp but PS must be about the same. The following is for those who think they're incapable of doing a thing in either :
Go into , click on eyes that you want to blend and save to desktop.
Open Gimp and open one of the saved files.
Then open the other on top of it as a layer (CTR+ALT+O) .
In menu go into Layers - transparence - add an alpha channel.
Select eraser tool (fuzzy, not circle) and rub out until as much of the underlying layer as you want is showing, lowering the opacity will blur more so you don't get hard edges.
Save in PNG format and import here.
Peasy once you've done it the first time, and it may encourage to go further with Gimp
*Edit LOLL