From What Ivy Told me I found a Proof on my kitties eye: Abalone: I am not good at doing pictures but I will try, Ivy said she will try to fix it when she comes on if I mess it up.
Here is the Pedi info:
The Picture did not open up so you will need to click on link to see the Cat's Pedigree. It will show proof of the Dominant eye. for the New Eye Abalone if I am saying this correct. Hope this helps. Thank you Ivy if you can fix this for me
I'm trying to understand the proof though. Couldn't Raguso be hiding something lower than Grey Matter - whatever Aubrianne's hidden is - and he passed that on to Karlesha?
(11-09-2022 08:36 PM)LittleMe Jewell Wrote: Here's the picture that ReeiePie linked.
I'm trying to understand the proof though. Couldn't Raguso be hiding something lower than Grey Matter - whatever Aubrianne's hidden is - and he passed that on to Karlesha?
You're correct. The biggest problem is, we don't know what the recessive traits on Aubrianne and Avilon are. If we assume Aubrianne has recessive trait X (below GM) and Avilon has recessive trait Y (also below GM; might be the same as X or might not), any of the following could be true:
Aubrianne contributed GM -- this means Raguso has Abalone+GM, and Abalone is dominant to GM; then Raguso contributed GM and Avilon contributed either GM (making Karlesha pure GM) or Y.
Aubrianne contributed X -- this means Raguso has Abalone+X, and contributed either Abalone or X to Karlesha.
a. Abalone could be recessive to GM but dominant to X; If Avilon contributed GM to Karlesha, it would be the dominant/showing trait on Karlesha and we don't know whether Raguso contributed Abalone or X.
b. Abalone could be dominant to GM, but Raguso contributed X to Karlesha and Avilon contributed GM, so Karlesha is GM+X.
IF Aubrianne is KNOWN to be pure GM, then we have a proof that Abalone is dominant to GM.
No it's not solid so I have to back that out and so some breeding and find out, sorry about that Ivy, thanks for asking that question, it was late that night when we were looking at that and did not catch that, I am so sorry. Yes there are other eyes in that pedigree so it will take some narrowing down.