
I just wonder if someone can sell me a 9T Chateau Cat - Pink & White No. 1
with Pixie Tufted Ears. I can`t find anyone on Torgons. If the cat have Sassy Swank tail it will be a plus. But it doesn`t need be it. It can be a normal tail as sashay too. But if someone have this cat with sassy swank tail. I would love to buy it as fast as possible.
The kitten i will pair this with is:
♂ Kamarre
҉ 0 days ♥ 0% ☻ 88% ↯ 19% 모☁ 1%
Fur: Chateau Cat - Pink & White No. 1
Eyes: Ocean Mist (Shape: Curious | Pupil: Small)
Shade: Blush
Tail: Super Fussy
Ears: Odyssey Vampire
Whiskers: Monochrome (Shape: Guitar)
Size: 12 cm (4.7 inch)
It have the new Odyssey Vampire ears.
It would also be nice if the kitten have chateau cat - Pink & White No. 1 fur on both grandparents side, so it is not two different furs that is showing. I want try breed out some chateau cats - Pink & white no. 1 and some silver cheetahs.
I hope someone can help.
Best regards from Belletriss Parker