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Such naughty kitties!
02-17-2020, 02:19 PM
Post: #1
Such naughty kitties!
These kitties are driving me crazy! Believe me, it's a pretty short drive Big Grin
Weeks and weeks now of trying to trait up Odyssey Tiger Fold, I have two cats with visible OTF. Between them, they've given me 12 kittens, and not ONE with the ear! I'm using Scotty Fold mates or more recessive - and I've gone back to the Odyssey Tiger Fold thread several times to reassure myself that it is indeed dominant to Scotty Fold! (There IS a definitive proof of this!) I'm using the same mates over and over, as I do want to establish certain other traits in these lines. I really don't believe that swapping out the mates makes any difference in the chances of the cat passing its shown rather than its hidden, which I've heard suggested. This is just a venting post and a good example of *knowing* what is there and still not being able to get it out! Good thing they're cute!

[Image: e3149dd19b39260f0a1fce190c5c8703.png]

[Image: 986f9dc9c400bc153c237e93b5bd36dc.png]
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 Thanks given by: Coverboytoy Resident , Unicorn Blackburn
02-17-2020, 09:44 PM
Post: #2
RE: Such naughty kitties!
Yeah sometimes they can be very stubborn that it drives you up the wall. I remember doing a project and that project never gave me a girl. It gave me 12 boys in a row and that's when I said it's time to cancel the project and move on. Sometimes what I do with frustrating lines is I break them up and re-partner them again. In addition, I will sometimes give them happy potions, and I have even gone to the extreme by letting the cats give birth naturally (what I mean is don't wake them up, let them have their babies on their own w/o the aid of vitamins). Try breaking your partner up and re-partnering them again. Even thought that method may not change anything, at least it will make you feel better that you tried something different. Otherwise, get revenge and send them to kitty heaven.

ςoνєгßⓄץ кєレレץ™ (coverboytoy)
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Flickr: https://www.flickr.com/photos/137812323@N05/
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 Thanks given by: Songdog Woolley , Luckylady Llewellyn , Unicorn Blackburn
02-18-2020, 09:12 AM
Post: #3
RE: Such naughty kitties!
I had a pixie point that I put with a Scotty Fold and it passed 8 Soft Curl before I got a Pixie, after 14 boxes and only 2 Pixie Points I gave up. Some Traits just don't pass and I will dispute with anyone that says you have a higher chance at getting the shown to pass when I have had numerous cats pass nothing but hid, Just retired a shadow who passed Toffee Caramel 5 weeks in a row and out of 11 breeds passed Shadow a total of 3 times. Got a Galaxy Gator currently passing Odyssey Bellini more often.
Of course my starters who I want to pass the hids, not a hope in hell!
I also agree that swapping mates makes no difference at to what a cat passes each time, its traits are set and the coin toss on that cat is unaffected by its mate which is undergoing the same coin toss. I also don't believe that waking them or drugging them makes any difference at all, or not doing that. Its pure luck every single time they breed unless its pure. And so damned frustrating its a wonder we don't all quit, I think we are all just masochists at heart Big Grin

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 Thanks given by: Songdog Woolley , Luckylady Llewellyn
02-23-2020, 03:17 PM
Post: #4
RE: Such naughty kitties!
Well kids! I too, have had more than my share of one-sided cattery and many weeks of nothing but genesis from amazing pullers. It used to be that logic had something to do with getting a box you 'almost want most of the time', but of late, I have had so many weeks and dozens and dozens of genesis coming back without passing the hiddens, that it's nice to ruminate with others who are getting these things happen also, but not rewarding enough to keep me in that "happy place" some days. Sigh.
I agree with Song ... I'm so happy they are at least cute or I would go back to gachas and hunts lol. I do enjoy a sadistic challenge, but even "I" get my buttons pushed more often than I'd like with these little buggers LOL

Best wishes and be well!
Luckylady Llewellyn
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 Thanks given by: Songdog Woolley
02-24-2020, 02:43 PM
Post: #5
RE: Such naughty kitties!
oh the joys of random huh?

just so you all know... nothing has changed with breeding... and i understand the frustration... i still marvel that i am the ONLY kid of all my cousins with brown eyes and brown hair (19 in all) to have blue eyes. of course when no one understood genetics there was a joke i was the postmans. lol... but...

blows my mind! my dad's grampa and my mom's dad had blue eyes so they were there... but only i got them! Wink which was fine with me.

btw. i so admire your patience!! and what you all do breed blows me away as far as your creative combos.
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 Thanks given by: Songdog Woolley
02-25-2020, 02:35 PM
Post: #6
RE: Such naughty kitties!
Fail-in-a-row #13:

[Image: f392e43126b20b7e86e96191e8a8e297.png]

.....and then....*cues choir of angels with full brass accompanyment*...

[Image: 8bbedd8e03907ec0a1f1fca3bea347c2.png]

The 14th time is the charm!!
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03-01-2020, 10:22 AM
Post: #7
RE: Such naughty kitties!
[Image: 545bf21fc7a4f22f7a62f08133422634.jpg]

Solidarity post.
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03-05-2020, 12:15 PM (This post was last modified: 03-05-2020 12:25 PM by Coverboytoy Resident.)
Post: #8
RE: Such naughty kitties!
If patience is a virtue, I would have been already confined in an insane asylum LOL. Yikes Song, I'm sorry for that 14th fail, I hope it pulls on the 15th try. With Shannon too I really hope it pulls the next time around. I'm going through the lines that give me the same sex so hopefully things will change soon.

Project 1 - Recessive Fur wont pull. Mom and Dad direct hide the recessive fur - 4x fail
Project 2 - Same Sex - 3 girls a row
Project 3 - Same Sex - 3 boys in a row
Project 4 - Same Sex - 3 girls an a row
Project 5 - Christmas Girl Starter - Till this day will not show her whisker color

I'm sure everyone has their list of frustrations and bad luck.

ςoνєгßⓄץ кєレレץ™ (coverboytoy)
Auctioneer Tongue
Flickr: https://www.flickr.com/photos/137812323@N05/
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