(02-17-2020 04:52 AM)ReddBear Resident Wrote: I understand that but I dont ever keep any of my retired cats in my cattery. They are all in my inventory. So I do not use any cattery food. That includes the permapets. So I use my Pedigree filter a lot. I use my cattery for my box storage for my unborn kittens.
I may not be understanding what you're saying, but: If you are keeping your retired cats in your inventory, then you're not feeding them anyway. If I"m reading this right, you don't have any live cats in your cattery, just boxes. It is much safer to keep cats in your cattery than in your inventory -- so you can just keep them in your cattery and don't buy any cattery food (permapets don't eat food anyway). If I'm reading incorrectly and you DO have some live cats in your cattery, you can always keep your permapets in cattery and then do what Tad suggests and give your retired-but-not-permapetted cats to an alt and have THEM store it in cattery.