Thanks for those screenshots am going to post them inline in an order that shows the line through to your new baby.
So first screenshot shows a breed of a starter with a Red Tabby, the most dominant fur and retired so thats not the hid.
In the second shot we see that Malvin, the opffspring from the first shot bred to Hanne, a Burmilla Chocolate - Silver Shaded their offspring was Nella, a Burmilla Chocolate - Silver Shaded. So Malvin passed his hidden fur into Nella.
Shot 3 shows a backbreed between Malvin and Nella which produces Nyle - A Toyger Tawny and a fur that is recessive to that of both his parents, since Nella hides Malvins hidden Nyle is a PURE Toyger - Tawny.
in this final shot we see that Nyle (pure) breeds back to his mother Nella, they produce SallieMae a Toyger Tawny and since Nella passed her hidden Toyger - Tawny and Nyle is established already as pure Toyger - Tawny we can see that SallieMae is also a pure Toyger - Tawny.
That brings us to SallieMaes offspring, a Golden Ticket as shown in Peewee's post, because SallieMae is pure her offspring has to hide Toyger - Tawny thus proving that Tiger! - Golden Ticket is dominant to Toyger - Tawny.
Congrats Peewee on narrowing this range a bit more and thank you for digging out the purity proofs on your cat