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Winter 2016: eyes needing placement
12-01-2016, 06:57 PM (This post was last modified: 01-30-2017 08:12 AM by Kayla Woodrunner.)
Post: #1
Winter 2016: eyes needing placement
For eyes, this list starts form 12/1/16 so updates start from that day. To see narrowing and placements from October-November 2016, go here

Proofs will be attributed by source where it is first published whether Saga or the Forum with date if known. Forum means one of the threads on the Kittycats Forum and not the Forum-Based Charts (FBC), a new informational source. This should make the list shorter, more accurate and less work for me.

Information sources:
Saga Charts https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0...ljODliMDhm
Forum-based Charts (See tabs for eyes, fur, etc) https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1...=696392737
Mr. Cat Other Trait Chart https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1...edit#gid=0
KC History: Who/What Trait discovered incl tab on Retired traits https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1...edit#gid=0

Update: 1/23/17 Forum: Autumn Leaf recessive to Exotic Treasure; 1/23/17 Forum Autumn Leaf is placed between Exotic Treasure and Double Dip Flora; 1/27/17 Forum: Soul Sparkle recessive to Changing Leaf

Galaxy Comet
12/27/16 Forum: Galaxy Comet is recessive to Odyssey Adore
12/27/16 Forum: Galaxy Comet is recessive to Galaxy Nebula
1/13/17 Forum: dominant to Odyssey Fire & Rain
12/19/16 Forum: dominant to Galaxy Orbit
Mercury, Starry Baby Blues, Tapestry Reef

Galaxy Nebula
12/16/16 Forum: recessive to Frost
12/27/16 Forum: dominant to Galaxy Comet (currently dominant to Odyssey Fire & Rain as of 1/13/17)

Galaxy Orbit
12/19/16 Forum: recessive to Galaxy Comet (Galaxy Comet is proven recessive to Odyssey Adore and Galaxy Nebula)
1/21/17 Forum: Galaxy Orbit is dominant to Odyssey Fire & Rain
Mercury, Starry Baby Blues, Tapestry Reef

Odyssey Cognac Wine
6/13/15 Forum: recessive to Odyssey Crush
1/18/17 Forum: dominant to Cognac
Odyssey Cognac Moon for placement

Odyssey Galatic
1/4/17 Forum: recessive to Odyssey Adore
1/13/17 Forum: Odyssey Galactic is dominant to Tapestry Reef
Starry Baby Blues, Mercury

Soul Sparkle
1/27/17 Forum: recessive to Changing Leaf
1/11/17 Forum: dominant to Serenity

New Placements

Autumn Leaf
1/23/17 Forum: recessive to Exotic Treasure
3/29/16 Forum: dominant to Double-Dip Flora
placing Autumn Leaf between Exotic Treasure and Double Dip Flora

12/27/16 Cognac recessive to Odyssey Cognac Moon
11/26/16 Forum: dominant to Twilight
placing Cognac between Odyssey Cognac Moon and Twilight

Crystal Clear
Saga's chart Places Crystal Clear between Crystal Dream and Odyssey Burst in written notation[/color]
Saga chart: "Crystal Sun > Crystal Sea > Crystal Dream > Crystal Clear"
Saga's Update History tab: 14 Apr 2015 Crystal Dream dominant to Crystal Clear

Crystal Crush
Saga: 12/21/2015 recessive to Full Moon
Forum: 12/10/16 dominant to Odyssey Crush
placing Crystal Crush between Full Moon and Odyssey Crush

Crystal Dream
Saga's chart Places Crystal Dream between Crystal Sea and Crystal Clear in written notation[/color]
Saga chart: "Crystal Sun > Crystal Sea > Crystal Dream > Crystal Clear"
Saga's Update History tab: 14 Apr 2015 Crystal Dream dominant to Crystal Clear

Crystal Sea
Saga's chart Places between Crystal Sun and Crystal Dream in written notation[/color]
Saga chart: "Crystal Sun > Crystal Sea > Crystal Dream > Crystal Clear"

Crystal Spring
Forum: 10/16/16 recessive to Crystal Dream
12/28/16 Forum: Crystal Spring is dominant to Crystal Clear
placing Crystal Spring between Crystal Clear and Crystal Dream

Crystal Sun
Forum: 8/11/16 recessive to Malachite
Forum: 8/5/16 dominant to Crystal Sea
placing Crystal Sun between Malachite and Crystal Sea

11/30/16 Forum: recessive to Canary
9/19/16 Forum: dominant to Mercury
placing Frost between Canary and Mercury

Galaxy Moon
9/1/16 Forum: recessive to Strawberry bellini
12/24/16 Forum: dominant to Fancie Purple Diamond
placing Galaxy Moon between Strawberry Bellini and Fancie Purple Diamond

Odyssey Adore
1/4/17 Forum: recessive to Sparkle Dream
1/9/17 Saga: Odyssey Adore dominant to Mercury
placing Odyssey Adore between Sparkle Dream and Mercury

Odyssey Slush
1/14/17 Forum: Odyssey Slush is recessive to Canary
12/18/16 Forum: dominant to Frost
placing Odyssey Slush between Canary and Frost

12/6/16 Forum: recessive to Exotic Journey
1/8/17 Forum: dominant to Galaxy Burst
placing Opaline between Exotic Journey and Galaxy Burst

1/8/17 Forum: Pumpkin recessive to Prismatic
9/2/16 Forum: dominant to Double Odyssey Love
placing Pumpkin between Prismatic and Double Odyssey Love

Soul Whisper
11/28/16 Forum: recessive to Galaxy Star (previously most recessive eye)
placing Soul Whisper recessive to Galaxy Star. Soul Whisper is currently the most recessive eye

Sparkle Dream
12/22/16 Forum: recessive to Frost
1/4/17 Forum: Sparkle Dream dominant to Mercury
placing Sparkle Dream between Frost and Mercury

Tapestry Allure
11/17/16 Forum: recessive to Gerbera Pink
12/9/16 Forum: dominant to Gerbera Purple
placing Tapestry Allure between Gerbera Pink and Gerbera Purple

5/6/16 Forum: dominant to Strawberry Bellini
12/16/16 Forum: recessive to Light Wash
placing Verdant between Light Wash and Strawberry Bellini

Update History
12/4/16 Pumpkin recessive to Tapestry Organica
12/5/16 Forum: Galaxy Orbit recessive to Tapestry Allure
12/6/16 Forum: Opaline recessive to Exotic Journey to dominant to Galaxy Star
12/9/16 Forum: Galaxy Comet is dominant to Galaxy Moon
12/9/16 Forum: Tapestry Allure placed between Gerbera Pink and Gerbera Purple
12/10/16 Forum: Crystal Crush placed between Full Moon and Odyssey Crush
12/14/16 Forum: Galaxy Comet is dominant to Tapestry Royale
12/15/16 Forum: Galaxy Orbit is dominant to Light Wash
12/16/16 Forum: Galaxy Nebula is recessive to Frost
12/16/16 Forum: Verdant placed between Light Wash and Strawberry Bellini
12/16/16 Saga: Soul Sparkle dominant to Galaxy Nebula
12/17/16 Forum: Galaxy Comet is recessive to Bronze
12/18/16 Forum: Odyssey Slush is dominant to Frost
12/19/16 Forum: Galaxy Comet is dominant to Galaxy Orbit
12/20/16 Forum: Odyssey Galactic is recessive to Morning Glory
12/22/16 Forum: Sparkle Dream is recessive to Frost
12/24/16 Forum:Galaxy Moon dominant to Fancie Purple Diamond
12/24/16 Forum:Galaxy Moon placed between Strawberry Bellini and Fancie Purple Diamond
12/26/16 Forum: Galaxy Comet is dominant to Fancie Rose Diamond
12/27/16 Forum: Cognac recessive to Odyssey Cognac Moon
12/27/16 Forum: Cognac placed between Odyssey Cognac Moon and Twilight
12/27/16 Forum: Galaxy Comet is recessive to Galaxy Nebula
12/27/16 Forum: Galaxy Comet is recessive to Odyssey Adore
12/28/16 Forum: Crystal Spring is dominant to Crystal Clear
12/28/16 Forum: Crystal Spring is placed between Crystal Clear and Crystal Dream
1/1/17 Forum: Odyssey Galactic recessive to Twilight
1/1/17 Forum: Sparkle Dream dominant to Tapestry Reef
1/3/17 Forum: Odyssey Galactic recessive to Pewter
1/4/17 Forum: Odyssey Galactic recessive to Odyssey Adore
1/4/17 Forum: Sparkle Dream dominant to Mercury
1/4/17 Forum: Sparkle Dream placed between Frost and Mercury
1/4/17 Forum: Odyssey Adore recessive to Sparkle Dream
1/8/17 Forum: Opaline dominant to Galaxy Burst
1/8/17 Forum: Opaline placed between Exotic Journey and Galaxy Burst
1/8/17 Forum: Pumpkin recessive to Prismatic
1/8/17 Forum: Pumpkin placed between Prismatic and Double Odyssey Love
1/9/17 Saga: Odyssey Adore dominant to Mercury
1/9/17 Saga: Odyssey Adore placed between Sparkle Dream and Mercury
1/11/17 Forum: Soul Sparkle dominant to Serenity
1/13/17 Forum: Galaxy Nebula is dominant to Mint Julep
1/13/17 Forum: Odyssey Galactic is dominant to Tapestry Reef
1/13/17 Forum: Galaxy Comet dominant to Odyssey Fire & Rain
1/14/17 Forum: Odyssey Slush is recessive to Canary
1/14/17 Forum Odyssey Slush is placed between Canary and Frost
1/18/17 Forum: Odyssey Cognac Wine dominant to Morning Dew
1/18/17 Forum: Odyssey Cognac Wine dominant to Cognac
1/20/17 Forum: Galaxy Orbit is dominant to Fancie Teal Diamond
1/21/17 Forum: Galaxy Orbit is dominant to Odyssey Fire & Rain
1/23/17 Forum: Autumn Leaf recessive to Exotic Treasure
1/23/17 Forum Autumn Leaf is placed between Exotic Treasure and Double Dip Flora
1/27/17 Forum: Soul Sparkle recessive to Changing Leaf

"In ancient times cats were worshipped as gods; they have not forgotten this." Terry Pratchett
Der Kitty Mill
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 Thanks given by: HappyDaize Resident , Alassariah Resident , Reven Rosca , Brunabug Nightfire , fabioazevedo Oh
12-03-2016, 04:00 AM (This post was last modified: 12-03-2016 04:01 AM by Arwen Swordthain.)
Post: #2
RE: Winter 2016: eyes needing placement
Thanks to Fabao I now have starters with all the new eyes that still need placing
Galaxy Orbit - Female
Soul Sparkle - Female
Galaxy Nebula - Male & Female
Galaxy Comet - Male
Odyssey Galactic - Male

With my starters and a couple of others he passed me I also have theses eyes to test them against
Serenity - Male
Tapestry Royale - Male
Exotic Seas - Female x2
Morning Glory - Male
Odyssey Crystal Rose - Male
Tapestry Allure - Female
Grape Ice - Female

So heres a list of the tests I plan on conducting based on cat gender just to get started
Galaxy Orbit Tapestry Royale (Set up for next week)
Odyssey Crystal Rose
Morning Glory

Soul Sparkle Morning Glory
Serenity (Set up for next week)

Galaxy Comet Exotic Seas (Set up for next week)
Tapestry Allure
Grape Ice

of course tests will change based on results I get and those others post in the meantime. I'm a little stuck on Odyssy Galactic as I have a boy with that and no girls in the current test range that are starters. I do have a Blueberry girl live so I'll conduct some tests with her. Same with Galaxy Nebula, that range is the smallest currently and mostly retired eyes. If anyone has cats they would like to use to help out contact me. I'll be raiding Fabaos starters as he completes testing as well Tongue
I'm going to pop a Gerbera purple to use with the Tap Allure starter and try to get that nailed down before using her in too many tests.

Forum Based Charts

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 Thanks given by: Kayla Woodrunner , Reven Rosca , HappyDaize Resident
12-04-2016, 11:41 PM
Post: #3
RE: Winter 2016: eyes needing placement
12/4/16 Pumpkin recessive to Tapestry Organica

"In ancient times cats were worshipped as gods; they have not forgotten this." Terry Pratchett
Der Kitty Mill
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 Thanks given by: HappyDaize Resident , Ivy Norsk
12-04-2016, 11:51 PM
Post: #4
RE: Winter 2016: eyes needing placement
Arwen, I have a starter female confirmed to hide Morning Glory, if you want to use her w the Ody Galactic Male.
I think that's fairly mid-range for that eye. Let me know.

I have a male starter that is confirmed to hide Mint Julep -- he could work for your G. Nebula female perhaps.
Again, just let me know and I can pull those back out of my inventory if either is of use to you.
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12-05-2016, 06:22 AM
Post: #5
RE: Winter 2016: eyes needing placement
Right now I have a Galaxy Orbit hider running versus Ody Cognac Moon, and a Galaxy Orbit shown running versus Canary (because I had those cats available).

The Pawsable Traits Reference manager and a Chart keeper.
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 Thanks given by: Kayla Woodrunner
12-05-2016, 09:10 PM
Post: #6
RE: Winter 2016: eyes needing placement
Saga Updates:
Dec 5: Soul Sparkle dominant to Tapestry Allure
Dec 5: Pumpkin recessive to Royal Sapphire
Dec 5: Crystal Spring recessive to Crystal Dream
Dec 5: Galaxy Moon dominant to Odyssey Kaleidoscope
Dec 5: Frost PLACED recessive to Canary
Dec 5: Spakle Dream recessive to Crystal Berry

"In ancient times cats were worshipped as gods; they have not forgotten this." Terry Pratchett
Der Kitty Mill
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12-06-2016, 05:42 AM (This post was last modified: 12-06-2016 05:42 AM by Kayla Woodrunner.)
Post: #7
RE: Winter 2016: eyes needing placement
12/5/16 Forum: Galaxy Orbit recessive to Tapestry Allure

I will be gradually changing my format. Instead of having two lines, I will just have one line and attribute the proof to Saga or the Forum whichever posts it first. This way people interested in a chart can find it if posted to the forum.

"In ancient times cats were worshipped as gods; they have not forgotten this." Terry Pratchett
Der Kitty Mill
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12-06-2016, 12:52 PM
Post: #8
RE: Winter 2016: eyes needing placement
12/6/16 Forum: Opaline recessive to Exotic Journey to dominant to Galaxy Star
Galaxy Burst for placement

"In ancient times cats were worshipped as gods; they have not forgotten this." Terry Pratchett
Der Kitty Mill
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12-10-2016, 12:54 PM (This post was last modified: 12-12-2016 04:52 AM by Kayla Woodrunner.)
Post: #9
RE: Winter 2016: eyes needing placement
12/9/16 Forum: Galaxy Comet is dominant to Galaxy Moon. Galaxy Moon is known to be dominant to Odyssey Kaleidescope
12/9/16 Forum: Tapestry Allure placed between Gerbera Pink and Gerbera Purple

12/10/16 Forum: Crystal Crush placed between Full Moon and Odyssey Crush

"In ancient times cats were worshipped as gods; they have not forgotten this." Terry Pratchett
Der Kitty Mill
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12-12-2016, 04:45 AM
Post: #10
RE: Winter 2016: eyes needing placement
Saga Updates:
Dec 9: Tapestry Allure dominant to Gerbera Purple
Dec 9: Pumpkin recessive to Tapestry Organica

"In ancient times cats were worshipped as gods; they have not forgotten this." Terry Pratchett
Der Kitty Mill
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