(07-21-2016 03:04 PM)Ayame Meili Wrote: Is Tiger Lily perhaps a Firestorm kitty? If so when you go into her animations the menu is different, you'll see options of lay, stand and sit with a box in front of them. if one of the boxes is selected just touch that same button again and it will undo the pose. 
Thank you so much Ayame for being so helpful in responding to my question. Yes, Tiger Lily is in a Firestorm viewer, for sure. I did see the box that I turned on, but I've tried many times to touch it to remove the on and produce an off instead, but nothing happens. The On stays on and won't budge, no matter what I do. Perhaps I'm going to have to contact someone who is a designer for KittyCats to find out what I should do. I miss having Tiger Lily bouncing around the house. Thanks again for your help.
Hugs from me and purring from Tiger Lily