I have a friend, one of my earliest from my early days of SL, and she left, but now she's back and she contacted me and said, "You do the cats, yes?" And her fondest desire, now that she's back and has gotten some new land, is to have a ginger cat like her RL cats. So we went and looked at red tabbies together. But she felt that they were too dark. She wants this:
She actually found a cat that she felt was the right colors, and teleported me over, and it was a Giraffe wearing a beret... so she didn't see the giraffe horns on it. I explained that it was a giraffe though I didn't get into the whole this-is-not-a-regular cat thing. And anyway, she doesn't want one.
But I do think some kind of flame aussie mist would be a nice idea, even if one didn't want to do another AS Tabby.