RE: Not sure how theses work (Confetti )
A Confetti has 4 fur alleles, organized in two pairs. The first pair is the shown (dominant) Confetti fur and the hidden (recessive) Confetti fur. The other pair is the hidden (dominant) normal fur and the hidden (recessive) normal fur.
When pairing a Confetti with a non-Confetti, ONLY the normal-fur pair applies. The offspring will ONLY be a normal cat.
When pairing one Confetti with another Confetti, there is a CHANCE (fully random, you can NOT effect it) that the Confetti pair applies. When it does, each parent selects one allele to pass to the offspring for its Confetti pair. Once that has occurred, or if the random roll failed and the offspring will not be a Confetti, the normal fur and all other traits are produced in the normal manner.
Note that, at present, I place the odds of a Confetti pair producing a Confetti offspring at about 1-in-10. And, remember, **NOTHING** you can do can effect that outcome .. it will or will not be a Confetti based solely upon 'winning' the 1-in-10 lottery. When you win it, of course, the common rule applies, so, for instance, if you have a White hiding Red and a Red hiding Orange, you will get White hiding Red, White hiding Orange, Red hiding Red, or Red hiding Orange, with equal 1-in-4 odds of each (for a net odds of 1-in-40 of each, if we include all non-Confetti offspring).