Updated for Thursday! While perusing for your 100% love mate for your kitty, don't forget to browse the
collars too - every kitty deserves a pretty collar, and there's plenty to be had thanks to our community!
TP: http://slurl.com/secondlife/Simply%20Too...e/53/66/21
February 21, 2013
Adorable Girls
? 9T BaliSeal pft OdyRainbow Illume Rounded BlackMyst
? Pink&White1 pft OdySorbet CuriousEars +1
? 8T BengalTawny myst GerbOrange Porcelain Rounded
? SiameseFlame pft MorningDew Ody1 +1
Adorable Boys
? 9T Black&White 1 (Moo kitty!) pft HuckleBerry Illume Rounded
? AbyCinnamon OdyBurst BigBooBooEars
? 8T BurmesePlatinum BlueIce Porcelain Shorty
? SSLilac myst Grass Flair SoftFold +3 ~ Toy!