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Threads closed to easily?
10-16-2015, 06:17 AM
Post: #11
RE: Threads closed to easily?
As I see it, the problem is not that the discussion is about whether prices are too low, or too high. If it were just that, the threads would have not been closed.

No, the problem is, whenever the subject comes up, it like someone feels that way about specific individuals, and the parties involved seem to have already argued it in-world; but, for some reason, that wasn't enough and the argument moves here.

As to my old state-of-the-market analysis; I haven't done it for a while simply because I got bored watching the dismal performance of other breedables as compared to the rather constant, nothings-really-changed, performance of KittyCatS.

What's that, you say? You disagree with 'nothing's really changed'? Well, look back over the old posts and ask yourself: is it not true that every year, several times a year, it's the worst crash ever?

Besides, doing the analysis for KittyCatS is hard. Getting the number of people involved is easy, anyone can read it out of the web site. But determining the cat birth rate means doing 16 different analysis, sometimes waiting a few weeks for Charm to produce more cats, since, while the sequence number is there, it's got some form of weak hash which I've never felt was worth the trouble to completely crack.

I do remember doing a spot-check a few months ago, when I realized it had been ages since I had done so and noting the performance was still steady, still about where it always was, and still several orders of magnitude better than the others I looked at.
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 Thanks given by: Kayleigh McMillan , Aubreygrace Starlight , Ivy Norsk , Dimpz Morane , Ryanna Enfield , MsMagick Resident
10-16-2015, 06:37 AM
Post: #12
RE: Threads closed to easily?
(10-16-2015 06:17 AM)Tad Carlucci Wrote:  As I see it, the problem is not that the discussion is about whether prices are too low, or too high. If it were just that, the threads would have not been closed.

No, the problem is, whenever the subject comes up, it like someone feels that way about specific individuals, and the parties involved seem to have already argued it in-world; but, for some reason, that wasn't enough and the argument moves here.

I agree, sadly that ruins it for everybody a warning first would have been nice before closing.
I am more worried about the tendency of closing threads in the discussion area so easily.

[Image: o5e5bzt]

Retro Kitties Showroom »

Notorious kitty hoarder ..
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10-16-2015, 06:50 AM (This post was last modified: 10-16-2015 06:51 AM by Charmayne Brentley.)
Post: #13
RE: Threads closed to easily?
BTW, just did another spot-check and it still looks like about 3000 boxes a day being produced. Indications are that this might be as low as 2500 (which is a bit of a drop) but I'm only using a very few data points, so the confidence interval is HUGE.

The average cattery size looks to have dropped because the number of players has gone up WAY faster over the past 18 months since the last time I posted about it.

My feeling, though, is that the player retention rate as taken a huge hit. While a LOT more people joined in over the past 18 months (going from 17,000 to 28,000) I'm thinking that, mainly due to the Firestorm kitties, the rate at which they stay around has crashed (I'd have to spend a few days digging through the web site to confirm that, though). This, of course, should be expected because, as I said, of the Firestorm kitties.
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 Thanks given by: Kayleigh McMillan , Ivy Norsk , Ryanna Enfield , Oselkhandro Resident , MsMagick Resident
10-16-2015, 06:53 AM
Post: #14
RE: Threads closed to easily?
Drat. Forgot to switch back to Tad after checking Charm's cattery and before clicking Post.
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 Thanks given by: Kayleigh McMillan , Ivy Norsk , Ryanna Enfield , Malayaa Resident , Lea Warwillow
10-16-2015, 07:14 AM (This post was last modified: 10-16-2015 08:23 AM by Kayleigh McMillan.)
Post: #15
RE: Threads closed to easily?
(10-16-2015 06:53 AM)Tad Carlucci Wrote:  Drat. Forgot to switch back to Tad after checking Charm's cattery and before clicking Post.

LOL it didn't sound like Charmayne indeed!
Laughing for real here Smile

[Image: o5e5bzt]

Retro Kitties Showroom »

Notorious kitty hoarder ..
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10-16-2015, 09:41 AM
Post: #16
RE: Threads closed to easily?
I very much agree with what Kay and Dimpz said. I thought the same about this particular thread beeing closed.

I understand that a lot of discussions get people under their skin. But as it was already said here in this thread, it is possible to have a healthy, interesting and enriching discussion.
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 Thanks given by: Kayleigh McMillan , Aubreygrace Starlight , Ivy Norsk , Ryanna Enfield , Dimpz Morane , CarlottaAdagio Resident , Kash Primdashian
10-16-2015, 12:32 PM (This post was last modified: 10-16-2015 12:34 PM by Pancake Littlepaws.)
Post: #17
RE: Threads closed to easily?
I wanted to weigh in on this and hope its ok. I am new to kitty cats. I am less then month into it.. might be right at a month I need to check my firestorm kitty. I joined kitty cats for several reasons!

One I like cats who doesn't cats are awesome and superior to dogs in every way Tongue. Two I wanted to make friends and what better place then a breedables community, Three seems like support and such for kitty cats is really good. I was part of another system in SL for about a year. Sadly that system was destroyed by poor support and the creator going bonkers on the community. I can kinda understand why a thread like the one in question was closed. My thinking is as a new person I hadn't been around much with kitty cats. I will admit it was a bit of put off to read such things. I don't at this time plan to be one of these mega breeders I seen. I wanna breed for what I want and is unique and I sell the extra's for food.

Reading that thread kinda had me worried about selling. Another great example of people saying something perhaps they don't mean is I went to a auction (personally I can't remember which auction it was) where the auctioneer basically said... people shouldn't come to auctions if they don't plan to buy. This has kinda turned me off to going to auctions. There lots of reasons someone might not buy. Perhaps the cats they wanted become to expensive. Perhaps they where there to support a friend. Perhaps they wanted to see how the auctioneer handles them self's, etc. I still going to them but now there always a bit of hesitation. Being new the things we read or see can shape our experiences and make huge impacts I think threads like that are closed not for the veterans but for new people who don't have the experiences they want new people to feel welcomed.

I hope my post help ^_^ thanks everyone for being so helpful to us new people when we do ask something.
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 Thanks given by: Ryanna Enfield , Kayleigh McMillan , MsMagick Resident , CarlottaAdagio Resident , Lea Warwillow
10-16-2015, 12:45 PM
Post: #18
RE: Threads closed to easily?
Hi all! Thanks for the feedback. Smile

Closing a thread is something we take seriously; it requires thoughtful consideration, and we typically will try to first interject and gently re-direct people or diffuse a situation (though sometimes we've felt that a thread just needed to be closed right away.) We don't practice censorship so we'll never close a thread because we don't like a particular topic. However when a thread involves personal attacks, judgments on people, and hostility, that's not something we can endorse; threads that get to this point may be closed because we have a responsibility to all of you to keep this community a fun, safe, and welcoming place. Smile

I understand maybe some people aren't always happy with the decision to close a particular thread. If it's there's a topic you'd like to discuss, please feel free to either start a new thread, or find an existing thread and continue the discussion there. We're pretty relaxed on what kinds of discussions are allowed on the forums! Just be kind and respectful of each other! Talk to others the way you would like them to talk to you. Remember, discussion of ideas, thoughts, opinions is fine! But name-calling, being rude, personal attacks, being judgmental, making the discussion about a specific person (or people) is not ok. If you have an issue with someone specific, it is better to talk to them privately and work out the problem.

I hope this clarifies things. Smile

There's a sucker born every minute, and the stray cats know where we all live!
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 Thanks given by: Kayleigh McMillan , Aubreygrace Starlight , Ryanna Enfield , Malayaa Resident , Ivy Norsk , MsMagick Resident , Senta Garnburg , CarlottaAdagio Resident
10-16-2015, 12:51 PM
Post: #19
RE: Threads closed to easily?
Yes, it clarifies it Kitten Smile
Thank you for taking the time to answer and also welcome us to open a new discussion.
That is a relief I feared we needed to walk on eggshells.

Hugs Heart


[Image: o5e5bzt]

Retro Kitties Showroom »

Notorious kitty hoarder ..
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10-16-2015, 01:06 PM
Post: #20
RE: Threads closed to easily?
i'll chime in too Smile

it is very possible to have a discussion w/o naming a person and making personal comments towards them.

there is a difference between "i see it different, and like to 'do it this way' " and "it's people like YOU who ruin everything for everyone!!!"

or even "can you tell me more about why you see it that way?" instead of "anyone who thinks that way is just out to ruin the world!!!"

we assume you are all adults and know the difference. a gentle reminder is given at times and sometimes not.

we KNOW things can be discussed w/o personal comments, and that is our guideline here. i personally love healthy dialogue. how can we ever learn if we don't try to see how another sees things? there is a huge world out there of people all seeing things from a different perspective, it's very exciting to consider that (even if we don't agree or see it that way)

a little thing i love to "try" to remember is: imagine all of us sitting around an object at a table, then describing what we see to each other... (the object could be a cat!!) would we all not see something entirely different based on what where we were sitting? wouldn't we only be able to see the cat from our seat? if we argued about what we saw, would we all not be right and wrong? what could we learn from asking others to explain what we saw? (something i like to ponder)

thank you for all you contribute, each of you!
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 Thanks given by: Ryanna Enfield , Malayaa Resident , Ivy Norsk , Kayleigh McMillan , MsMagick Resident , Senta Garnburg , CarlottaAdagio Resident
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