Updated! So many adorable adoptables at 100% love waiting to enhance your cattery with their beautiful traits!
* Don't forget to update your kitties that are currently at the Love Shack!
TP: http://slurl.com/secondlife/Simply%20Too...e/53/66/21
August 9, 2013
Adorable Girls
? PandieEbony BlueIce ChopChop Rounded BlackMyst
? 9T OciES pft Apple Twinkle Ody1 WhiteMyst
? BaliBlue myst OdyCarnival Twinkle MystWhisker
?9T ChatBW3 pft Platinum Twinkle Rounded WhiteMyst
Adorable Boys
? RussianBlack WildOdyssey BlackWavy +2
? 9T AbyLilac pft FancieBlue Twinkle Ody2 WhiteMyst
? 9T BaliSeal pft MidnightSky Illume BooBooEars
? BalineseFlame OdyTerra WavyWhiskers