RE: Silver Whiskers and Natural Shade as traits
Sorry Tad, I should have said while you have a 50% of either the hidden or shown fur (1 from each parent) being thrown, the most dominant of the 2 received furs will be shown.
It is not the passing chance that makes a dominant more likely to be shown. It is that of two fur received the more dominant fur will be shown so the most dominant furs are more likely to be shown in any breeding. Hope that makes more sense.
I do agree people determine how common something is in a population. The highly dominant traits are often out there (probably cuz they quickly take over a cattery and newer breeders often get them and don't know how to get rid of them) but so are most recessives since people breed for them. Oddly enough, it is the middling traits that are harder to find. Add middling to retired and they are rare. Luckily a minority of breeders like to "preserve" or "collect" retired traits to breed even if they don't sell well.
"In ancient times cats were worshipped as gods; they have not forgotten this." Terry Pratchett
Der Kitty Mill