The Support section is fully working. It's just finished. Now when you go to support, it immediately takes you to the ticket. To view ticket history, click "view tickets" on top. You will then have two options. See unsolved, or solved tickets.
I like this method better, since it is probably easier for newer people to use. I know I Have had to explain the other ticket a few times, and explaining it here seemed easier . LOL I hope this helped.
(02-17-2016 02:16 PM)Tad Carlucci Wrote: Working: Our Cats, News, Chat, Forum, My Account, Pedigree, Cattery
Working, with limitations: Support
- Basic form
- Lost ticket history
- FAQs not working
Not working: Home, Manual, Terms
As far as I've seen there have been no commitments either way. The original group message said they were working to restore the site; but they could have taken getting .WS up, such as it is, fulfilled that.
The .BIZ site is still there and still responds with access denied messages. So it's up and working, just we're not allowed into it. That is NOT a technical error. For us to see the message someone had to specifically set it up to deny access.