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Thank You and Apologies
05-10-2012, 12:12 PM
Post: #3
RE: Thank You and Apologies
Am so glad to hear things worked out for you, Doodlebugg! -And don't bash yourself just because you haven't been 100% kind or positive all the time... I know you generally ARE a kind and positive person, so a slight slip is excusable when under some stress, imo... Glad to hear it's better now Smile

Hugs, Saga <3

(-And for those that don't know - so many have written to ME to say that the "Trait Talk Transcript" in my KittyCatS Google Docs collection has been very helpful to them - but actually, it's Doodlebugg we should all thank. It was HER idea to make a transcript, and she went through a lot of bother to make it as good as it is, and then gave me full rights to it afterwards. So yeah, call yourself shy and introvert, Doodle, but you too contributed with a great thing for many in the community here <3 )
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RE: Thank You and Apologies - Saga Felix - 05-10-2012 12:12 PM
RE: Thank You and Apologies - Callie Cline - 05-10-2012, 01:37 PM

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