RE: Kitty Math 101
I could work out the expected cost, and expected variance in that cost, for the OP breeding pattern. It would almost surely show that the true cost of a merchantable outcome is higher, probably quite a bit higher, that 640 lindens.
On the other hand, I could also work out a marketing plan which showed that selling at any price not less than that paid for sending a cat to the Menagerie is rational and, given the merchantable cat from the first exercise, can even be profitable.
I love math. And I firmly believe statistics can be illuminating and informative. But this is one of those areas where we truly can prove any point of view we want. Put another way: I consider all such mathematical approaches are equally correct, and equally flawed.
The market is what it is.
You can swim with the tide, you can swim against it, or you can let it carry you where it will .. it's your choice and there is no way to show any choice is better, or worse, than any other.