(01-29-2016 09:45 AM)Minx Diabolito Wrote: Questions about the boards to Rene.
1. To use them at an auction the auctioneer must list the auction with you and why must it be listed with you?
2. Am I correct to say that if I buy these boards and I have an auction and choose not to list it with you you would ban me also?
I'd like answers to this before I consider buying them because it's pointless to buy something and waste money on it just to risk to get banned.
I was banned from his website when I refused to be bullied and took my name/auctions off of his website and he disabled all of my products that I had purchased with him as well. No refund. He would come to my auctions and harass me about not using the website for my auctions and then I was told I was too stupid to figure them out and pathetic auctioneer... He then went onto the sim I work at and griefed my auction site to make sure my profilers could not be used. When I tried to use my bosses Group Profilers he came and griefed my auction site again and made sure no one could use ANY profiler at my site. He told my boss ...get rid of your auctioneer problem solved.
I hate bullies...I hate being bullied...I hate being ordered to use a product in a way that I don't feel I need to. I won't use a product I don't feel is being upright and honest in its production or in its uses. I despise bias or unfairness of any kind...
I purchased the product in fact both the private and the group profilers...5500L before this website came to being and I should be able to do what I want with something I purchased. Instead they were disabled without refunds. Pretty had the same things go on regarding his bullying and chose to remove hers too and she was banned. Raggdoll doesn't use the Auction Schedule and now both her and my auctions are being scheduled over. At least two sims I know of won't let his profilers be used because of this and other situations that I can't go into here.
I would think twice.
BUY and USE at your own risk is what should be labelled on them
That is the absolute truth... collaborated by many who know. So yes please make sure you want to bother with the drama he creates before you buy.
(01-28-2016 10:25 AM)Rene Marseille Wrote: (01-27-2016 07:18 PM)doubledareme Resident Wrote: ALMOST ALL. Except the ones who chose NOT to schedule with you or the people you chose to ban or disable. Because ALL are NOT welcome...
That's right, everyone is welcome, just not the ones who chose not to be listed, which was the case with you and poizen. I know lickn has his calendar, I know he does everything so this great website won't be a success, so he can have more control, but please let other auctioneers decide, where they want their auctions to be listed, and let the breeders decide, which calendar they want to use. You can go around and tell people not to use it, or tell them lies about me, or post many more comments in this forum, that won't change anything. And that is the reason why you two are banned.
I actually don't tell anyone anything...that seems to be your job. You made it impossible for anyone to use it in my auctions. People can chose for themselves and see how you react to not being obeyed and are figuring it out on their own.
As far as LickN' having an auction schedule because he wants yours to fail?? Thats ridiculous. Many sims have auctions schedules. Period. There is one now that is made for EVERYONE. No banning you from the site if you chose not to use it. You run yours but YOU ultimately decide if someone can access it or not. If they DON'T use your site you disable their products as a form of punishment which ultimately results in a non verbal threat to ANYONE that dares defy your ultimate authority... How very Megalomaniacal of you. Just because that is the way you behave doesn't meant that is why LickN made a website for EVERYONE to enjoy. He doesn't ban or block anyone from using it. It is an unbiased open website for the enjoyment WITHOUT OBLIGATION of anyone in kitty cats community. It isn't linked into a product that is questionable in its development and disabled for those who don't do as you say. I think you are paranoid.
And might I ask...How are you any better? You have this website up and manage it in a way that causes division and pushes people to feel your wrath. When they first came out you were giving out slurls of EVERYONE who had them and people were popping all over the place into private property...in the middle of some peoples homes. You STILL have access to peoples private homes to disable the product if YOU feel they don't deserve to use it as you told me. WITHOUT REFUND I might add.
You promoted this website to appear as though it were the ONLY website with a grid wide auction schedule BUT were banning those who won't participate. You implied that an open spot on the schedule meant no auctions on that time which hypothetically opened up auction times even though there were established auctions on them. What blows me away is the auctioneers who bought into this??? How is this good for our community?
At least I know that if I send something to a website LickN has created ...no matter what sim I have been on...no matter where MY auctions have been in the past two years, he has kept them on the schedule without bias. He is so UNBIASED in fact that he has allowed auctioneers that should know better to post over top of schedules that have been established for years. So yeah if anyone is trying to screw people over or cause problems its you and the people who buy into this mess you created.
I also know that there are many hidden secrets involved in these profilers of yours...oh if the truth were known...but like my mama says...be sure your sins will find you out.
Have a nice day Rene