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When Did Griefing Become Acceptable Business Practice? Did I Miss the Memo?
01-27-2016, 11:13 AM
Post: #1
When Did Griefing Become Acceptable Business Practice? Did I Miss the Memo?
The object 'SET UP Basic Visitor Detector 2.0' has sent you a message from Second Life: Rene Marseille has been added to the visitor list.
Teleport to them: secondlife:///app/teleport/*omitted for privacy* (14m from visitor detector). That is what I found when I woke this morning...And I am reporting Rene Marselle to LL and to my land for Griefing: the uninvited entry for the purpose of tampering with and making unusable my personal property

Many of you have known me many years and Know that I live privately and maybe 2 people know where I live. Its a choice and for a reason. Rene Marseille tracked me down via a single profiler on my Private Home Land and it was not set to "market". So be aware that if you have any profiler open anywhere, he can Grief you too if you fail to cowtow to him. And that's what this was, besides a gross violation of my privacy. He came Uninvited to my Private home, and tampered with my Paid For Product (to the tune of 4k). That is Griefing by definition. Why? Because I *chose* not to use the product's aftermarket additions such as the web page. It was really more trouble than it was worth to me. But I did pay for the profilers and he had No Right to disable them and not refund me.

But I am not the only one he has done this too. You all know about his ongoing battle with others...with another auctioneer and how he not onlly disabled Her profilers but ANY profiler ANY patron put up at her auctions...in effect tampering with her auctions besides bullying those who also Paid for their profilers.

His ongoing rudeness, not only to that auctioneer but to many including myself, is fueled by his overinflated sense of power...I had great auctions before the profilers and still know my way around a pedigree. He is a Creator - Not the Grid Wide Auctions Manager and Deity. A creator.

What if I sold You a cat but told you you can only breed it to certain cats or with certain breeders? Or if I sold you some clothing I created but told you you can only wear it to certain sims...Well, thats Exactly what this Creator is doing and rather than complain about too much drama, our community Needs to make our displeasure clear and show How We Deal with Bullies.

Like me, Hate me...but the facts are the same: If you cross him, he Will do anything to punish you. He will invade your Privacy. He [i]will[/i] disable profilers you Paid for. He will do as he pleases but you Do have choices. You Are the Market. You have the power to make it what you want it to be rather than just complain. Recognize Your Power and Wield it for the betterment of the community we love.

Its one thing to say "oh thats terrible" but its another to say "oh thats terrible and I wont support it". No one cares what we think til it pinches...Like what I call "rogue auctions" scheduled on top of established ones. People complain there is too much drama in KC and too many auctions...but if its profitable why wouldnt the rogue do it?

Feed this Leviathan with indifference and silence, and soon it will grow so fat and powerful that it will devour all you care about in KC.

SUN 4pm & WED 11am Poison's Paradise


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 Thanks given by: Delwyn Druth , LickN Wonder , Aubreygrace Starlight , phoenixfire01 Resident , davjam79 Resident , Eleanor8 Resident , ekkonasia Oleander , Arwen Swordthain , brittanybelike Resident
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When Did Griefing Become Acceptable Business Practice? Did I Miss the Memo? - PrettyPoizen Resident - 01-27-2016 11:13 AM

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