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cattery boxes vs pedigree looking at individual cats
01-18-2016, 05:46 AM (This post was last modified: 01-18-2016 05:49 AM by MsMagick Resident.)
Post: #4
RE: cattery boxes vs pedigree looking at individual cats
Thanks, Kayla & Tad. I'd LOVE it to open a new page/tab, as I have the exact same issue. I'm on a laptop with a touchpad, and never use a mouse so I don't have a middle button. I'm using Chrome on Windows 8.1, and have it setup to put new tabs in a new window each time because I prefer it that way.

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The Magick Cattery

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RE: cattery boxes vs pedigree looking at individual cats - MsMagick Resident - 01-18-2016 05:46 AM

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