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Unique or Normal
12-22-2015, 07:51 PM (This post was last modified: 12-23-2015 03:04 AM by Unr34lity Resident.)
Post: #1
Question Unique or Normal
I bred my Skullectible Vision F with Tricky Treat M and they produce the following kitten

Monday 21st Dec
ScaredyTatS! - Tricky Treat
Fur: Genesis - Domino V
Eyes: Genesis Meadow (Curious|Big)
Shade: Natural
Tail: Boo Boo
Ears: Odyssey No. 2
Whiskers: Silver (Guitar)
Size: Normal

Pedigree Link

I was wondering if this was normal or a Unique Kitten?

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Messages In This Thread
Unique or Normal - Unr34lity Resident - 12-22-2015 07:51 PM
RE: Unique or Normal - dreampoetz Resident - 12-23-2015, 09:15 AM
RE: Unique or Normal - SmartKittyCat - 12-23-2015, 02:57 PM
RE: Unique or Normal - Unr34lity Resident - 12-23-2015, 11:42 PM
RE: Unique or Normal - SmartKittyCat - 12-24-2015, 08:11 AM
RE: Unique or Normal - Unr34lity Resident - 12-24-2015, 08:11 PM

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