I don't want to break the market - far from it. Wouldn't the market be happier if people didn't feel confined to buying 9T all the time? I mean, I do it too - it's how the system works right now. I think guitar whiskers look great on snowshoes, but am I going to be foolish enough to breed them that way? No.
This is Bryn Lilac. Notice the fabulous CURIOUS eyes. Some of the eyes are drawn bigger and fatter than others. Blushquartz is one of these. Grotto is another. To really get the full view and appreciation for these eyes they Should Be Curious.
I understand the 9T game, and mastering it means that you know what you're doing vis a vis breeding. But I also feel like once you've mastered it, you should be able to let it go. And there is no particular skill to just producing 9T cats.
None at all.
As jc says, all you do is buy 9T cats and boink them.
Experienced breeders can look at the pedigree and see if there's been some care taken or not, but if all anybody is looking for is 9T, well, then 9T suffices.
Tad Wrote:New discoveries tend to show curious/big and hide mysterious/small. This is more true earlier in the cycle.
Crossing these will not only tend to produce more of the same, but tend to discard the hidden mysterious/small. Careful breeders can avoid this using their skill and knowledge.
This is perfectly true, but rather misses the point - what if we don't WANT to have mysterious eyes. And of course, it's easy enough not not have mysterious eyes, since curious is dominant, but what if we would also like people to APPRECIATE the curious eyes.
Tad Wrote:But, of course, as I said, skilled, experienced breeders can avoid the problem.
You keep calling it a problem. But calling it a problem means you're trapped in the 9T game and not looking at the cats in and of themselves. Honestly, the world of KittyCatS and project cats can be bigger than that. Everything you've said about the dynamics/mechanics of adding extra eye traits making things 9T faster is true.
But maybe it could kick people's brains out of the myst/small groove. Then again, probably not. Given a multiplicity of ears, people go right for the scotty fold.