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Threads closed to easily?
10-16-2015, 03:47 AM (This post was last modified: 10-16-2015 05:05 AM by Kayleigh McMillan.)
Post: #9
RE: Threads closed to easily?
(10-16-2015 02:09 AM)Shamu077 Resident Wrote:  The rule seems to be "any market discussion is bad news" so don't post it here.
This forum has become a marketing forum and one where stray newbies can ask basic questions. Any discussion that talks about the state of the KC market gets cut off because there are too many sellers here that are afraid to speak publicly about anything that might affect their sales or prices.

Tad, you used to put a "State Of The Market" analysis here, back when it was mostly good news, that is more new breeders to replace the burned out ones, and sales were about the same as always. It's been two years since I have seen your analysis. Why?

My own indicator is simply the bid board auctions at the most popular secondary market sims. We are scraping the bottom this year in terms of cats offered and cats with bids before the auction expires. At the same time some auctioneers wring their hands about low prices and lack of meaniful bids. But wait, now I am not being productive so I will be silent again, as I have been most of this year.

I might post some cute kitty pictures though Smile

So true!
It is changed here more like a business than a community venue.
Which is maybe normal with these amount of members that they only focus on the business part of this all.
Fur us oldbees that is a little weird as the focus was so much on us as a community.

[Image: o5e5bzt]

Retro Kitties Showroom ยป

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Messages In This Thread
RE: Threads closed to easily? - Ivy Norsk - 10-15-2015, 06:06 PM
RE: Threads closed to easily? - Kayleigh McMillan - 10-16-2015 03:47 AM
RE: Threads closed to easily? - Ivy Norsk - 10-17-2015, 08:12 AM

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