(04-11-2012 06:18 AM)Tad Carlucci Wrote: Two rules:
1) if it sold, the price was too low. The quicker it sells, the too-lower the price.
2) if it did not sell, the price was too high. The slower it sells, the too-higher the price.
I do not completely agree with this rule eventhough in general it seems a good general guideline.
I think we should take a couple of other thing in consideration as well such as the end of the month is playing part and if for example a special is just released or if we are in the summer or winter season or in the expensive Christmas season.
Also the way kitties are displayed people often buy with the eye
I was a SL merchant since 2007 and it is highly unpredictable how customers behave when it comes to buying but I know there is so much more involved than the price of a product alone.
I prefer to set a price I want for a cat and most of the time this leads to a sale and if it does not it goes to menagerie in 10-14 days.
I have noticed fluctuations in people buying or not are related to other influences than prices alone.
Since the economic crisis SL merchants paniced and participated in mega hunts 50L events and what not to attract customers.
This gave them quick sales and quick results but since these products were normally of high quality this did bite in it's own tail and was just instand sales at too high costs.
We should not want this for KittyCatS what ever KittyCatS really from a complete genesis to a 2T or a 9T there must be a standard.
I believe we need to find an absolute minimum to sell a reasonale cat and don't go any lower regardless the fact if it sells in a certain period of time.
In the end anticipating to much with sales or no sales and change prices based on that will damage the market.
If the market is slow a general advice might be to keep the kittens boxed and don't sell hips but a few good cats with pedigree signs.
This helps taking away the pressure of feeding too many kitties on a slow market.
I believe Khea tried to stimulate a healthy market by making this guideline notecard and creating a price check group.