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More Cancellations .... what's going on breeders ??
09-09-2015, 02:05 AM (This post was last modified: 09-09-2015 02:30 AM by Arwen Swordthain.)
Post: #36
RE: More Cancellations .... what's going on breeders ??
(09-08-2015 08:51 PM)Wendi Lavendel Wrote:  This is a fun thread to read, it's reminding me of the days when I actually had time to attend auctions regularly LOL I really miss them, especially the ones where we would laugh our butts off so much people couldn't type or couldn't see their screen because their eyes were watering. I used to go to auctions just for the fun and the social aspect, and walking away with a cat was just a bonus. Does anyone remember when Callie would show up at random to an auction and rename all the cats things like "GOING HOME WITH CALLIE" ? LOL And I will never forget Sanura's auctions: she'd be so into what she was doing and focused on cats and panels that I could cover her avatar in pickles or cupcakes or kittens and she wouldn't notice until the end... and everyone else would be soooooo patient and not say a word the entire auction except to make innocent and subtle comments like "...I'm in a pickle if I don't win this cat..."

I miss the themed auctions; a few people in the past have done them, such as a retired traits auction or all white cats auction (we didn't have many black cats back then besides the Russian muahahahaha but a black cat auction would be awesome (halloween?) You'd have me there for sure!

I remember with great fondness Mizas Tuesday auctions at Chateau Village before it closed and how there was a different theme every week and we had to name our cats accordingly and almost everyone came up with a little display in the theme, not to mention how Lokhe(Jackson Verlack) would redecorate the auction stage every week in keeping with the theme. I'm sure Red recalls those too as I bought so many of her cats at those auctions.
I recently started dragging out some of the displays I still have sat in my inventory to use at Ambers auctions. I loved the themes because people not only were thinking outside the box in names and displays many of us were looking for cats to fit the theme as well which result in a huge variety of awesome cats. It really was amazing to see how with one theme over a dozen people could think so differently.
Of course early placement was key.
Maybe after CV closed I started branching out more because until it closed those were pretty much the only auctions I went to, but I noticed towards the end of last year and the beginning of this year that sameness creeping into auctions, it started with the Aussie furs, you would go and see at least one of each sometimes 2 if the genders were different meaning almost half the panels were Aussies and it was just copy and repeat auction after auction. I think its getting better now as people have gotten bored of recessive recesive recessive and the new breeds/furs from the last batch of collections has lost their shine, I just hope the halloween release doesn't trigger a return to the mundane throwing out of low traited, honestly, not great cats because one trait is a new one and therefore the normal trait rules don't apply.
Like Red I like to mix old/retired/dominant traits with new/recessive ones mixing with new dominant is hard because it seems everythings new and recessive these days. I really hope the new collections don't bring us another new most recessive fur before we see what can be done with the current one. Or a new most recessive anything actually, I'd like to see some awesome new more dominant traits to encourage a move away from recessive breeding before we lose some of the best traits in KittyCats because they are dominant.

(08-27-2015 07:36 AM)MsMagick Resident Wrote:  
On the issue of buying and setting up your panel in advance:

I was at an auction the other day where the auctioneer and SIM owner said she wanted people to start setting up 24 hours in advance! Beyond the fact that there are some daily auctions where you couldn't set up that far in advance, in my experience, that would increase the likelihood of people not being there when it was time for their panel to be called. I used to set up the night before, but was going through issues in RL that caused me to miss auctions where I was already set up! Which also meant that the panel couldn't be released to someone else and the auctioneer - and everyone else - was left wondering where I was. I also find that if I do grab a panel too soon for an elite auction, I might not have anything for it, and wind up IMing the auctioneer in advance to release it. So, I'm finding it best for me to go to auctions where I can buy a panel and set it up 1 1/2 to 3 or so hours beforehand - basically when I have a better idea of how my health and RL schedule are going that day, as well as knowing what I plan to go on it.

I know that a lot of KC auctions have boards to select your panel days or even a week in advance. Why not go the other way: Don't allow anyone to buy the panel until they are open and reset from the previous auction - or, for those that only happen a few times a week, not until 24 hours before the auction. Also, only allow one regular panel, and one special panel if you have them, per person at this time. That way people still have a chance of getting one once they have a good idea that they will be there. Yes, RL issues still come up - they always will - but you're a lot less likely to forget that you have a panel if you just went to get it.

Then, if the panel isn't set up, and any required notecard submitted, by an hour before the auction, release the empty panels, without refund, to whomever is there and wants one.

Just a comment on this, I assist Amber in her auctions and due to the fact that I'm +8 on SL and shes +17 we really need all panels set up and ready at least 12 hours before the auction so we can look at the cats be familiar with them and make notes to better enable Amber to seel the cats rather than just stumbling through a pedigree. Sure we make mistakes sometimes but we do this to give Amber confidence in what shes saying and so the Buyers and Sellers have confidence in her.
While I recognise that people have RL that can prevent attendance or you may not get a cat you feel is good enough, please also remember the auctioneers have RL too and more often than not the set up times they request are in order to allow them to be prepared for the auction and STILL do their RL's. As I always say RL first, yep patrons have RL but so do the auctioneers they don't make these requests to be difficult but to have lives too.
We have had people set up after the start of the auction and sure we manage but thats 1 panel and its not the norm, if we get a late setup e don't see because we have to sleep and take care of RL, Amber likes to invite the audience to go through the pedigre with her this way new breeders can learn as well. 8 panels set up 2 or 3 hours before would be a nightmare, don't forget auctioneers advertise your cats in the forums, on facebook on twitter and in groups so get interest. I do that for Amber 12 hours before the auction because I literally get out of bed and log in to the assist her. Any cats not placed at that time don't get advertised. Although we have it as rule we do try not to release panels until just before the auction because we realise that RL does happen.
I'm actively encouraging people to set up for the weekends auctions from Tuesday onwards. Yesterday I passed Dei my cat for her Monday auction so she can do her thing with it Smile. All auctioneers just want to sell your cats and get the best price for them to do this they need the help of the sellers with timely set ups.
So I'd like to reiterate what Red said at the start of the thread and thats basically that people need to help the auctioneers by getting their cats to them when the auctioneer requests because theres a reason they are asking.

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 Thanks given by: phoenixfire01 Resident , Icestron Resident , Ivy Norsk , Aubreygrace Starlight , MsMagick Resident
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RE: More Cancellations .... what's going on breeders ?? - Arwen Swordthain - 09-09-2015 02:05 AM

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