RE: We Need Aussie Black
I don't know I think the suggested fur would be gorgeous and it is SL so why not.
On the other hand I agree a bit that existing breeds IRL should maybe represent mainly the colors we see IRL as well.
In doubt here ...
I am not much of a Pandie or Foxy fan I never liked them much, sorry Callie *hides*
But I am happy they are here because so many people really enjoy them so much this would be the same for me with more fantasy-like furs I don't have to like them to be happy for others they are there.
I for one would love to see more Russians I adore them while I know in reality there are only 3 types of them if I am correct.
Also KittyCatS grows older and older they excist so many years now!
And I think they have likely many years to come yet they are still growing.
I would not blame the designer to get slowly out of options when it comes to RL furs and SL limitations why the long haired breeds can't be represented as well.
We see that also with each new Halloween collection etc. there are only so many spooky themes to go for and maybe therefore it is now called to be a fall collection just to have somewhat more options for the designer to pick from.
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