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Gridwide Auction Calendar - Continue or Discontinue?
08-25-2015, 03:39 PM
Post: #19
RE: Gridwide Auction Calendar - Continue or Discontinue?
Thank you Ivy for your suggestion passed on from Phil Meathead. I have thought about the Google Calendar idea but have decided to not use it. In years past when I and my co-worker at Kitty Kottage first started this Calendar there were a few sims who had them up but quickly things got out of control. I noticed that months out auction times were not corrected and still on old time slots because they were not deleted correctly. Most of the auctions that happen are on a weekly basis so they are reoccurring. So for how long would I put in they are reoccurring? forever or for only a month at a time. If they were one time events I can see this being a good fit but with how the auctions are set up they happen the same days and times each week. It is much easier for me to make one change and know 100% it is changed and not worry that I didn't go out far enough to delete all the times. I hope that makes sense.

Again, me and my new assistant have come up with a new layout and will be getting it set up and the link sent out to groups as well as posting it on the forums to help with the transition. If anyone has suggestions on how to get the word out that this calendar is out there for auctioneers and buyers, please leave your comments below. I would love to see if anyone can help me out with advertisement, and getting the word out. I will read through them and if I can implement them I will.

I appreciate you Fabio posting all that you did. I just want you all to remember that this is a project that I have been updating for 2 1/2 years on my own. I finally just feel comfortable to ask a fellow friend to help me out and she has come up with some good ideas. I appreciate your suggestions and helping me try and remind everyone that this was always ONLY A LIST OF AUCTIONS, not a means to manage or control times. I want this list to return to its original purpose. And I am excited about the ability to add the SURLs to the document to help buyers actually find the auction they see listed on the calendar. All the stuff you have said Fabio I have been saying for the past 2 1/2 years to auctioneers who have contacted me upset that other auctioneers were added to their same time slot. What you have typed is nothing new.

Thank you all who have posted comments. Again if you have suggestions on how to get the word out, please leave me a comment. Continue to leave any community feedback. My assistant (Sierra Miggins) or myself will be contacting each auctioneer listed already on the calendar to pass out Notecards with the new regulations to be listed on the calendar.

~ BreeAnn (Brunabug Nightfire)
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 Thanks given by: fabioazevedo Oh , Aubreygrace Starlight , Priestess Firanelli , Ryanna Enfield , Icestron Resident , Arwen Swordthain , doubledareme Resident , Kendrah Vantelli , Ace243 Datura , MsMagick Resident
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RE: Gridwide Auction Calendar - Continue or Discontinue? - Brunabug Nightfire - 08-25-2015 03:39 PM

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