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Gridwide Auction Calendar - Continue or Discontinue?
08-24-2015, 11:51 AM
Post: #17
RE: Gridwide Auction Calendar - Continue or Discontinue?
(08-24-2015 11:20 AM)Ivy Norsk Wrote:  I know what you mean about feeling sad and having to buy up kitties at an unattended auction; that isn't fun.

As for auctioneer drama, I think it's better if you don't think of it as shit but as popcorn. Rivalries are as old as Cain and Abel, but we don't need to take them to heart. We really don't. Nor are all auctions filled with bashing.

I wish it would rain popcorn! I've been sitting here watching the rain and a squirrel eating a nut, thinking about what I wanted to say. lol (I didn't make it up)

I think the analogy of Cain and Abel is most fitting. There are lots of ways to make money in sl, without beating on each other with the jaw of some animal. And not all auctions are filled with the bashings of dead animal bones. But this is off topic. lol

I think that the work Breeann and her friend are doing for the community is wonderful. It's not like they're getting paid for it. But I think the ones that were rude to her should apologize at least in private to her. She is the one doing them and the community a service as a volunteer and she should be respected for it.

Once again I say thank you for what you are doing. Heart

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 Thanks given by: fabioazevedo Oh , Aubreygrace Starlight , Brunabug Nightfire , Icestron Resident , Priestess Firanelli , Kendrah Vantelli , Ace243 Datura , MsMagick Resident
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RE: Gridwide Auction Calendar - Continue or Discontinue? - Devilness Chant - 08-24-2015 11:51 AM

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