RE: Gridwide Auction Calendar - Continue or Discontinue?
Brunabug, thank you for a great job.
I have checked it only sporadically as I was looking about for auctions that I might attend in time availble, so it isn't something that I refer to as often as, say Saga's charts. I expect that is true for many users. And then, once people find an auction that fits with their schedule they often just stick with it and don't consult the chart again for awhile. What I hear in your post is that it sounds like a ton of work keeping it all updated and I wonder if there is some procedural things that would help streamline that process?
As for auctioneer drama: I think that for people who've been caught up in it, it probably looms very large because there is competition. But from the outside, it's really quite a simple thing to understand that many people have auctions and that auctions for different markets overlap.
The Pawsable Traits Reference manager and a Chart keeper.