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More Cancellations .... what's going on breeders ??
08-23-2015, 10:09 AM (This post was last modified: 08-27-2015 07:28 AM by MsMagick Resident.)
Post: #13
RE: More Cancellations .... what's going on breeders ??
Thanks, Callie. I did realize after the fact that one of times that I was IMed for talking too much I had mentioned linden amounts without thinking, but it wasn't meant as advertising, and the IM didn't say that it was because I mentioned lindens. If I had been thinking, I could have phrased it differently, and I do apologize for that...but thinking back on the discussion, it also points out exactly the need for the kind of group Ivy mentioned.

(That was NOT the Pinkie conversation, which really was just joking about an event after that event had happened and with no mention of amounts whatsoever. That was the third time in two days that I had my hand slapped in the Addicts group which is enough to make anyone feel unwanted.)

Ivy, I know that I'd love a non-partisan discussion group where we could talk about things like how much something went for at an auction, or whether a trait is hot. But to talk about things - not just get ad after ad - and it sounds like you've got a great idea about how to do it.

Maybe allow only two announcements for a specific auction or event, and they have to be in chat... one an hour or two in advance to remind people to set up and get ready, then another as the event is starting.

And doing them in chat, and not as notices makes so much sense. That way, if you're on and interested, you'll see it (and it's a much more gentle reminder than getting hit with a bunch of TP requests), but if not, you won't get hit by all the spam when you log on after the event.

Hmm... thinking it might be good to start another thread on this topic and to ask if there are any other groups out there like this already so as not to duplicate.

It would also be nice to have a good relationship with the Addicts group. I wonder if it would be even vaguely possible for them to say, "If you want to talk about that, you might try <Insert New Group Name Here>". The inverse would be: "I don't know the answer to [that KittyCat issue], but one of the CSRs on the KittyCats Addicts group should be able to help you." I used to own and moderate an announcements-only YahooGroup for consolidating RL event announcements in our local community. There was a discussion group that was developed separately, and once we discovered each other, the owner of it and I decided we would make them sister groups. I'd refer people to the other group for discussions on news, etc. that came up on my group, and they would refer people to my group for a more comprehensive list of announcements without the chatter thereby allowing each group to hold it's focus and hopefully benefiting the community as a whole.

* * *
The Magick Cattery

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 Thanks given by: Ivy Norsk
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RE: More Cancellations .... what's going on breeders ?? - MsMagick Resident - 08-23-2015 10:09 AM

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