More Cancellations .... what's going on breeders ??
Once again and through no fault of her own, Aubrey has had to cancel Marissa's 8AM Auction at Rainbow's End today and reason ?? Once again breeders can't seem to be able to get kitties on panels let alone early or on time. What's going on breeders ??
I know that it is Summer so there isn't as many breeders online and when they are it's usually to check on kitties but seriously, if you buy/win a panel, at least have the decency to honour that panel/auctioneer and put a cat up. We all know that things happen like loss of Internet or Real Life jumps up and bites us in the butt, those things happen. If you know your not going to be online, talk to the Auctioneer, talk to a friend, get someone to proxy for you, just don't leave the panel there empty so Sim owners or Auctioneers have to cancel and disappoint those breeders who have put kitties up.
Too many Auctions are being cancelled for this reason and to be honest, it isn't fair on Sim Owners, Auctioneers, Patrons and Auction Attendee's. Some people rely on these Auctions to help pay for food/rent of Kitty stores. It also doesn't feel great for Auctioneers and Sim Owners to have to cancel auctions because people aren't putting kitties up on panels. It only takes a few minutes to get a kitty up including making sure it's pedi is live and the kitty is posed etc.
Please have some consideration for others and put kitties up on panels. Talk to Auctioneers if you have issues with filling a panel, most are willing to help out especially if it means not having to cancel.
(This is NOT a personal attack on anyone or any sim it's self, I just wanted to make breeders aware and no offence has been intended by any part of this post)
Sincerely, RED (phoenixfire01)
VALYRIAN CATS Owner & CatTales Staff