(07-09-2015 03:15 AM)dreampoetz Resident Wrote: The menagerie is a place to sell old kitties,unwanted kitties or boxes. in return you receive a k$ credit of 50 for each box/cat you return to menagerie. You can get your kitty out of the menagerie if you change your mind but you will have to do it in 7 days. You can use k$ credit for things around the mainstore and most specially for the menagerie tiger kittycats.
Great, thank you so much....very helpful!
(07-09-2015 03:30 AM)MsMagick Resident Wrote: What dreampoetz said, plus -
You can also buy K$ (L$1 = K$2.5, so turning in a kitty gives you the equivalent of L$20), but only the ones you get from redeeming kitties can be used for the Menagerie Tigers.
K$ are also required when buying food, milk or vitamins if you use the online cattery, which is a place where can feed, breed and store kitties safety without taking up resources (prims, script usage, etc.) in world. Be careful not to confuse the two.
When looking at your balance, it can be confusing at first: The ones you get for turning in kitties are the regular K$. The Bonus K$ are the ones you bought.
Great information, thank you I appreciate it! Yes, need to learn more about the Cattery too.