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About Kittycats and their prices.
03-30-2012, 10:26 AM
Post: #23
RE: About Kittycats and their prices.
People should menagerie more if they are serious about the breeding game. Good job on getting rid of the excess amount of cats, TS!!! *applause*

We breeders need to take MUCH more responsibility here! Everyone know how supply and demand works. Supply is our biggest enemy.
Menagerie is NOT a bad place, not for the cat and not for the market!
Menageried cats will also always stay in your pedigree so you can backtrack, which is VERY useful for a professional breeder.

The investment of expensive furs is that you get tools to make even more gracious cats, so never expect to sell that cat you bought, maybe not even the first or second generation offspring.
Simply use them as tools.
Actually, simply REFUSE to sell them for the market's sake!
To put it bluntly, "kill off" the parents once you get a better offspring. The more I menagerie, the more I save in all sorts of costs.
Don't force them onto an already exploding market!

Like Noc said; Don't hang out at the same places too much! In my humble experience, there is a HUGE differenence between different auction sites and hour of the day. Unfortunately, being in euro zone myself I try to join these early auctions as much as I can to support them, but the fact is that they rarely pull enough people. When that's the case, you need to really plan what kind of cat you bring there.
Different places actually does have different demands of cats!

Some furs never go out of fashion either, a good old russian for instance. Some furs come back in fashion when we haven't seen them in a while.
Stay focused and try to sense these things as they come along.
If I sense that one of my lines are producing cats that are worth less than +-1000L$, I simply get rid of it and keep the boxes for future use, because I know it wont pay off. It never does!
And with the boxes still in inventory I never feel I have lost anything.

Collection cats is a new exciting market. I have tp'ed around the whole grid looking for people that doesn't breed KC anymore but keeping the old collectible cats as pets or decoration, and I actually found several who has been willing to sell! Horse breeders usually keep a few. Be creative like this!

And another thing.. Don't give away really good cats, as this hurts the market as well. If you quit, please menagerie.
Being a moderator in KittyCats Swappers & Givers, I regularly see people giving away collection cats etc.
I prefer to menagerie the better ones to not overload the market.

My cat economy has overall been very good since start. I think I might be a bit more flexible than most.
I also try to make beautiful cats, I never dealed much with the newest furs. Nothing is more boring than that 1-traited siamese flame which exists in a million copies.
Experience tells us it wont sell after a few weeks, so don't!

This was just my take on this.
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 Thanks given by: Marylou Dallas , Rebekah Blitzstein , AvenFate Resident
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RE: About Kittycats and their prices. - Piraiyah Novikov - 03-30-2012 10:26 AM

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