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About Kittycats and their prices.
03-30-2012, 09:13 AM (This post was last modified: 03-30-2012 09:15 AM by anna Acanthus.)
Post: #22
RE: About Kittycats and their prices.
(03-30-2012 03:45 AM)Bernhard McIntyre Wrote:  Look Anna,
that is not MY problem, it is a problem of the Kittycats GENERALLY. It is not a question of my good breeding, it is a question of life, or death of the whole Kittycats.

Well we've been trying to show you that the situation is'nt in fact as black as you seem to feel, and it's probably been triggered by a general run of bad luck, but i guess you need a good gripe ...

Here we all are, gambling on an ephemeral commodity, hoping to get the one of the right configuration of pixels, or rather whatever a random script generator decides to chuck at us.

Virtual commodities are allways unstable, especially in RL as many have found to their cost.
In fact we are all living an increasingly denatured and virtual existence in pretty well most ways, especially economy wise, and still believing in the "economic growth" myth which logically has the same destiny as the dodo. It all totally sucks big time, rotten to the core, but the good news is it's fast falling to pieces, and no systemic marketing analysis will make the slightest difference.

Being aware of this i oughtn't even to be spending time in a rather tacky virtual world let alone spending money on pixels, and if ever have to go above a reasonable sum then i quit, thats all.
I mean millions don't even have the money or the means to eat every day, so when it gets bad i turn off the PC, go do something constructive and relativize pretty fast.

The fact is no breedable can have an indefinite life span, never has done and this one is still holding up pretty well compared to others, for many of us. The market will hold as long as it will hold, this is a past-time, a hobby, and as Lixy says, no one will become rich with breedables, or for that matter break even all the time, and if you don't get any fun or enjoyment out of it then it's really not worth playing.
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RE: About Kittycats and their prices. - anna acanthus - 03-30-2012 09:13 AM

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