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Ginger Love- (Ignore, I had a Red Tabby kitten!)
02-24-2011, 10:03 PM (This post was last modified: 02-28-2011 12:11 AM by IsabellaGrace Baroque.)
Post: #1
Ginger Love- (Ignore, I had a Red Tabby kitten!)
Hi my name is Bella and I'm a gingerholic,

Lol, but really I have wanted a red tabby or red and white tabby since I first saw them while working on the animation for the KittyCatS hold. I have bought my share in cats looking for a Flame to breed my tiny ginger army, and no luck! So if you know of any reasonably priced red or red and white tabbies, let me know! I don't care about other new or rare features, just want them for a pet. Thanks! Smile

IsabellaGrace Baroque
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Ginger Love- (Ignore, I had a Red Tabby kitten!) - IsabellaGrace Baroque - 02-24-2011 10:03 PM
RE: Ginger Love - Tabby TopHat - 02-27-2011, 08:23 PM
RE: Ginger Love - IsabellaGrace Baroque - 02-28-2011, 12:10 AM

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