I found out about them on my original AV, Katzen. I had two Paradise Pets non-breedable tigers, but had just heard about breedables when I came across a blog about SL pets that mentioned the kitties. I've been a cat lover my entire life so of course I had to get some! I bought my first two directly from the shop - a Gen Flame named Adore, and a Coco named Whirlwind. A week later, I bought my third cat, Victoria, a Leprecat Green Spotted. I started kitties in March, 2011. I was lucky enough to inherit a few Sweet Cats from some other breeders, which I still have. The community was always so extremely welcoming and friendly, and I was always glad to be involved. I've taken time off from breeding a couple times due to RL but always come back, and gotten some other friends involved, too!
((LOL @ my circa 2011 avi))