RE: Perma petting
Um .. to be clear .. I think you mean "feeding 50 animals, all starting out over 120 days old, for over a year."
I can see where you're coming from but it seems a stretch. But, what the heck. How about a middle ground? At 120 days add a button to perma-pet the cat. If you use that button, after some warnings and gyrations to avoid accidental activation, it's features freeze: you can't add, change, or remove anything about it and it won't update in the future. All you get is lost-cat replacement support. If you don't like that, then, sure, go pay for the kit at the store. Betcha very few collectors would pay so much just to ensure they get all the updates (most of which have to do with breeding, so they won't effect them anyway) and can change hats or whatever. But hey, why not?
Scratch that .. dumb way to do it .. instead make it free and automatic and freeze the cat. THEN, if you want updates, pay for them individually. OR, if you want automatic updates, pay for the life-time update license by buying it instead of the current, discounted perma-pet kit. Much cleaner, and far easier to implement.