I am BACK!!!!!
no no no dont' run away i just want to share some more!
I remember ......
How I found out that there were KittyCatS in SL. I was looking for a buiness that use to be in SL back in 07-09 and a search for it landed me where there were a whole Bunch of Kitties and nice handful of Baby Menagerie Tigers [ or maybe they were just tea cups?? ] dont' remember the ages on them. But now I know how much it takes to get one of those Tigers, DANG they must have been freaking RICH! lol But i do remember walking around and saw this Mega out on the ground outside and stretched out sleep [but i thought he was dying....lol] Well that sent me on a hunt to figure out how i could get one of those rainbow colored kitties. But I didnt want a teny tiny one. [they too small i was thinking and man they were fast] I wanted a bit bigger one and more mellow one lololol] well bigger I got Thank You Sis. King Achoo is much Loved , but mellow ????? ummm i dont' think so and I dont 'mind that at all. ...hehehehehe]
Well my hunt to find out what these things were lead me a few places but finally found the "KittyCatS Addicts" group and the questions just started flowing and flowing and flowing hahahhahahaha And a Amazing Woman Cricket found me. after a while she IM'd me to answer some more questions and then and then and Then she "DID IT!" hahahaha she wanted to give me a kitty to try out. First warning before she gave him to me was dont' open the box touch it. I had to promise her. hehehe then Veeter was born and then..... well ya'll knwo the rest of that story hehehehehe
I remember ....... learning even more how to be creative in reducing the primage on my land so that there would be enough room for . . .. . .. Kitties. Meshing and meshing/ I always wanted to learn mesh. But coudn't get the hang of blender kind of meshing but i had to figure out meshing so I would have a lower Land Impact for..... you guessed it KITTIES!!!! I was so happy so so so very happy to learn there were other ways to mesh and InWorld Tools that could mesh!!!! Did a bit of research on the different tools and ect. ANd tested out demos when there were some. joined te product groups for them asked questions and so so much more. Then after a while of lessons and still tryin got learn blendor here an dthere[I gave up on that] and purchased a InWorld tools so that i could cut down that nasty Land Impact ....for .....yes ....yes "The Kitties!!!!" hehehhe Totally worth it
Wait Wait we can make our own collars ?!?!?!?!?! No way and then sell them also !!! WoooHoooo! talk about a happy camper here I was heehheeehehehe. I remember IMing Callie about how I could offer owner sets to my customers hen they bought a kitty collar like she did in the main store. and she told me i could use a regular prim hhahahhahahhahahhahahhahaha (ooops! ok that fall once again from the chair hurt a little} man did I feel stupid being a builder and not thinking of that hahahahhhaha Man that was such great news to me and my brain lolololol. in my deference My RL Ones, My RL fur ball and I were all sick for a couple weeks at that moment in time

lol But totally made me feel better !!!! Busted out the GIMP and got started making Owner sets on top of new collars
Oh i remember the first time i lost a little fur ball.

I was in a sky box i just built and well i thought i built it right but SL is trippy some times and well the dang Little fast thing dissapeared. after all the tricks to hunt it down were exhausted I was down at my Gift shop and did even an area search down there because thinking maybe it fell down on the ground i was told. no kitty.

But then a nice man from the support group that was helping me found it up in the air wlaking on air hahhaaha. Now that is what I call customer service i remember thinking. Here this employee came all the way out to help me find this kitty So i woudn't have to file a support ticket. He TP me to him and said look at his feet. Well this Old Gal couldnt' even see the kitty at his feet lolol. but no worries I got my kitty back. TALK about awesome and didn't make me feel bad because i'm an old gal [not really] couldn't see the dang kitty at his feet. Thank You so much. ( I have gasses now and still dont' see some things but SL glitches or internet connection does that not me I found out hehehehe
OH! OH! OH! I rememeber the "NoteCard LOVE" hehehehehe I still picture My self siting Indian style on the floor of my gift shop asking in group how to count triats and ect as my new kitty boxes were coming and coming or how long again ?? would it be for this baby box to come???? and picture My self being buried in Notecard Love being dropped on me for dozens and dozens of the KittyCatS Community Family! heheehhe. On more than one occasion hehehehehe I kept loosing them in my invo. Dont' know how but it happened. So I made a Texture in GIMP that helped me count the traits and I turned it into a HUD about 2 years ago. Man it was so so so hard to walk around the markets and look for kitties trying to count the traits on them with all these note cards in my window. But the HUD Texture worked amazingly for me. Thought of selling it for like L$10 but!!! nope had to share just like all others shared with me

Then came the Love wall chart. Grabbed one of those Love Calculation notecards and took it into GIMP and took the longest time to line every thing up. Was still just learning GIMP as well.

but it was made. Made it out of regular prims at first and then as my meshing skills increased, It was Meshed! This To I had to share. It has been so great to hear back form others that it has helped. huggies to all
i remembering hearing how kittycats came about just recently and thought how freaking kool is that. Just some things are ment to be and that when there is a will there is a way and that all of the fun and love that I have and have gotten in KittyCatS was ment to be and has come at some very very tuff times in my life and helped not just me but some other RL Littles as well.
But BEST OF ALL ...... I remember the sequels of Joy, Laughter and so so so so many other things that have come from a couple of RL Littles because of KittyCatS and the KittyCatS Community. Like Ones LadyBug Kitty or another Little Ones Joy in his Bunny Kitties and Knight Kitty and the Castles I made oh and his Fav fur that I was Able to get him in a Mega now and see such great details and the ridding oh the ridding and jumping. The Boxes they have opened and the bilions of boxes that I have stopped them from opening as nightmares of the Kibble bills that would come from allowing them to open all those boxes. oh and exsplaining over and over and over that all the kitties in the market are not our kitties nad we can't open those boxes. hahahhahahhahaha those are other peoples kitties oh and then hearing them to ask me to "Buy Them! Buy Them! Buy Them, Pleeeeeease! Please Buy Them!" hahahhahahhahaha way too fun each and every time. Oh man ! oh and how i learned not to leave L$ on this account when i go to another room for even a split second hahhahahahha oh what fun!
But I also remember the Love and comfort that was given to me that I felt comfortable making my AV a female in the KittyCats community instead of hiding behind a male AV so i wouldn't be harassed in SL to the pleading of two of my now SL sisters. Thank You Cricket and My Moon! Oh and i remember Cricket IMing me to TP me to places that had awesome "Female" hair and clothing and events forgetting that I was in a Male AV at the time. hahahha. it was too funny.
(Even if Our Cricket not in SL much now she is still in our hearts.)
I feel so much better as a Female in SL than hiding behind a male AV. Us Girls got way better and much more clothes. Maybe too much hahhahahahhahhaa. But the Men are sure catching up