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Pricing HUDs for New Breeders
05-10-2015, 10:40 AM
Post: #15
RE: Pricing HUDs for New Breeders
(05-07-2015 01:10 PM)Tad Carlucci Wrote:  For some time now there have been some HUDs out there which purport to aid you in setting prices for your cats.

While these may be of some use for new breeders, they can also lead to problems.

Users of these products should always bear in mind the following:

1) There is NO true 'fair price' nor is there any true 'current market price'. While these HUDs may claim to present such values, it is a false claim. These claims are, in fact, the opinion of the creator, with NO basis in fact, and NO representation of actual market conditions.

2) The information used by these HUDs is often vastly out-of-date. Even remembering that the factors used to produce the fictitious prices are nothing more than one person's opinion, and have no relation, whatsoever, with actual market conditions; and notwithstanding any claims of regular updates; these products are often woefully out-of-date and may no longer even represent the opinions of the creator.

3) Approaching other breeders and questioning their pricing based upon what your HUD suggests might be a 'fair' price is, at best, rude, if not downright abusive.

It's your choice whether to use these HUDs and rely upon their suggestions.

But, PLEASE, keep it to yourself and stop accosting people simply because your HUD suggests a different price. If you don't like the price you see, move on.

Let me FIRST of all reply to this thread, if you do not agree about the pricing, price your kitties the way you like them, no one obligates you to refrain these guidelines.
Secondly, before posting something about another person's creation without even contacting the creator on how those prices are obtained is in my opinion extremely low, you had a personal problem with a person, not with the hud nor the person who created this item.

Since you refer to one of the products I made, it would have been most of all normal that you would have contacted me instead of posting once again a "kitty"-drama post on the forum.
First of all, you never used one of my products, so how can you even judge on how a program works if you never used it.

1.) There is a current market value, in the opposite of what you claim, markets fluctuate all the year.
Also the prices are NOT generated by myself, as I mentioned in the notecard send out with the hud, there is more then one person who gathers the prices found on the auctions and on the markets (I call them to my team of monkeys), those values are all put together and an average price is calculated out of all this information.
There is a whole calculation process behind this system.
Appearently it seems easier to point fingers and make your own opinion about a product you never used.

2.) About the "out-of-date", the hud I created is the only one on the market, so it's obviously clear on which one you are pointing your fingers to, the HUD is updated WEEKLY.
Accussing the "creator" herefor me, does not update his products, nor keep track of the market, I think most of the people can agree that I'm mostly on each auction on the grid, following track, checking the hud and comparing if the cat is sold for the estimated value, which in 98% of the time they do.

3.) The calculator has been made as a GUIDELINE so people will not UNDERPRICE or OVERPRICE their kittens, it's ment for beginners so they won't sell a new trait for 150 L , or by some claims of people "recommending" price calculation about 50L / Trait, then you can sell a latest traitted kitty for 600L max.
Therefor I have included the current market value and the estimated market value
People are free to pick a price in between those two values, even under, even above, it's their wallet, not mine.
At least they won't get rip off like in the example given below.

My intention of the hud was to help new people in pricing their kitties, without having some persons taking advantage of their "not-knowing" which traits their kitty had with any value.
As lately seen in the pricing group, someone told another person to sell his kitty with scotty fold ears for 700 L, asking them immediatly where they'd sell it.

In the opposite of some creators, I'm still busy in breeding cats, and in following their new traits, as I'm still working on new items and on updates.
If the items are not updated, it would also be a bad publicity for me, I DO stand behind my products and as I mentioned in the "KittyCats - Stuff" section on this forum, there is a whole explanation on how I gather the information.
As people know, this is pure coding, there are some flaws in it, therefor I also rely on the community and on the monkeys, if they tell me what's wrong, I'll be the first to update the products and fix the issues!

So before pointing fingers because you had a bad conversation with another person on a monday / sunday morning, gather all your info before just putting them on a public forum.

Chill up, grab a cup of coffee, take a walk, get back in front of your computer and enjoy the game as it has to.

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RE: Pricing HUDs for New Breeders - Script Hyun - 05-10-2015 10:40 AM

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