When I first heard of huds to help price kitties, my first thought was maybe it will help get the market a bit more even. haaaaaaaaa Yes I was born blond.
What I find really sad are the people that are being extremely rude and pushy over trying to control the market.
There have always been different levels of buyers and sellers in the market. From high to low. But to go around attacking people at auctions and such just amazes me. I constantly hear about this one showing up at an auction and giving someone a hard time over something they said in forum or about their pricing. Or groups boycotting others and trying to get others in on it. If you feel the need to boycott someone and it makes you feel better, than leave others alone and feel free to boycott me. I work for a living. rofl
If you need to make money that badly, that you would try to force others to keep prices high so you can make a buck, then get a job. You can get a job in rl or in sl. Most people that breed do it as a hobby. Sure we try to make a little to help pay for our hobby, but no one has the right to make us miserable while we're doing it.
I deal with kids all week, and I have to say that from what I've seen, some here are more shameful than kids who don't know better. I'm an atheist, but the one thing I did take away from going to church is... Do unto others the way you want others to do unto you.
To the wonderful people that make this community fun and caring. I thank you.
You all are what this community is all about.