RE: Pricing HUDs for New Breeders
Sorry to hear there was a bad experience with someone being rude due to comparing a price to an HUD one. Personally, I find the HUDs to be largely inaccurate and also feel the best way to get an idea of price ranges is to visit markets for oneself. The KittycatS Price Check group can also be quite helpful and is well-moderated if any problems ever arise in terms of disagreement over price. It can be very helpful speaking to people and hearing their views which can be quite different and is great. The HUDs seem to present, to some, especially when new, a good or easier way of pricing cats and what to pay for them but really are just the personal view of the creator... so this should always be taken into account. The HUDs don't take into account the fast price drops often seen with newer traits, state of the market and many other factors. Also, if giving prices especially to new people, of what a cat with largely genesis traits is worth, I find those HUDs most misleading because many will believe that the cat is worth more when they will, in actuality, probably get about 75L for it based on the current market. I've seen a number of people get quite discouraged due to believing their kitties were worth more, setting up a store based on that, and not being able to sell them, but part of this does of course come down to them not having looked around markets all that much too and it is not solely the issue of the HUD
As for the excess spamming that Ivy mentioned, I am totally I agreement on that and it drives me crazy and totally puts me off visiting stores rather than wanting to
"I believe cats to be spirits come to earth. A cat, I am sure, could walk on a cloud without coming through" - Jules Verne