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Auction Courtesy. Your Thoughts
04-23-2015, 03:01 PM (This post was last modified: 04-23-2015 03:05 PM by Maxwell Grantly.)
Post: #20
RE: Auction Courtesy. Your Thoughts
I personally find it very easy to focus on the numerical text inputs in the general chat, as bids for the cats, as well as chatting to people at the same time.

An auction time of one hour or so can become a very dull and bland session if people did not type a few words of encouragement to a seller or buyer, a hello to those who arrive late or a complement about a cat that is being sold. If you find the text input distracting, perhaps it may help to remember that the occasional input of "Wow, isn't that a lovely cat" or "I wish I could afford to bid for that" only helps to create interest in the overall bidding process.

Even those frequent "Hello" comments (to the late arrivals) help to create a warm and friendly atmosphere - this helps keep customers present at the auction. If people are happy, they will hang around longer. This can mean that there are more people present (and hopefully bidding) when your cat is up for auction.

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RE: Auction Courtesy. Your Thoughts - Maxwell Grantly - 04-23-2015 03:01 PM

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